My Reading Log 2014

  • the 39 story tree

    the 39 story tree
    if you like evencher, mistry and a litile bit of machik
  • volcano

    if you like volcano youl ike it
  • Treasure Fever

    Treasure Fever
    Brilliant story about a kid named Henry who wants to find buried treasure. The treasure was buried by his principal many years ago and someone stole it and hid it. Great story for all ages. Funny and entertaining.
  • Canterbury Quake

    Canterbury Quake
    I enjoyed this book. The book is about a girl named Maddie who wanted a cell phone but instead got the canterbury quakes. Eventually she got what she wanted and she survived the quakes. Great story I really like the way it is written in the form of a diary. I recommend this book for all ages.
  • Mission Survivial: Sands of the scorpion

    Mission Survivial: Sands of the scorpion
    This book is a survivial story about two boys who get lost in the middle of the Sahara desert. On their journey they have to survive the heat, cold, thirst and predators like scorpions. Exciting story, good for ages 8-11 years old.