In the womb and beyond
My mom would read to be while she was pregnant with me. She says I loved hearing her read aloud and it would soothe me if I was being rowdy in the womb. After I was born, my mom would read me nursery rhymes. -
Mother Goose
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Nursery Rhymes
My favorite book from the age of 4-6 was a big book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Grandma Jill and Grandpappy would read them to me all the time. I became so familiar with the stories that I would have them memorized. I could then "read" the stories back to my parents. I thought I had them fooled but they knew I was faking my skills when I could "read" the book upside down. -
Reading Aloud
I began to read aloud to my older brother and my mom every other night starting around age 6 or 7. My brother and I would take turns reading by alternating chapters. We usually picked a chapter book like the Magic Tree House series or The Chronicles of Narnia. We would do this almost every night until I was 10 or 11. -
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter is my favorite book series. I wasn't allowed to read them when they first came out because my mom was super-Christian and thought they were "evil". However, after a few years, she decided I was old enough to choose what I read. I am currently re-reading the series for the third time and I have to say- they are still just as magical. -
The Kite Runner
I read The Kite Runner by Kahled Hosseini during my junior year of high school. I found this book to have the greatest impact on my education. I ended up writing many essays on the retoric and literary themes found in the book. (I wouldn't have passed APLit without it!) The story is incredibly sad and beautifully written. I learned so much about the importance of friendhsip and honesty through reading The Kite Runner. -
Harry Potter Premiere
This was at the final Harry Potter Premiere.