My Mom and Me
Goldilocks and the Three Bears,
my mom told me that I enjoyed this book because of the bears on the cover. -
A little later..
My mom read classical books, some you may have heard of and some you may have not, it has been decades you know..here are a couple. -
Little Golden Books
The Little Engine That Could
Such a motivator, but who knows if I got the message. I do remember repeating the verse, "I think I can..I think I can" -
Elementary School
Smokey the bear was infused with, "drop, tuck, and roll". Even though we lived in a desert and the only thing that came close to a forest where the orange trees, we still loved to the listen as the teacher read the book. -
I read this a little later, and man oh man that was it, I wanted to be Cinderella so bad. I had all the characters figured out too. My mom was the evil stepmother that made me do the chores and my sister, well, she was just evil! Still to this day I'm sad I never got to go to a ball, but I did get my Prince Charming! -
High School
In high school we were mandated to read books like, Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows. I have to say after reading a few sad books, I have never gone back to that type of genre. I can't even watch true stories. It just sticks to me. -
My Boys
Between High School and having my first and second son I never really read unless I had too. But when we had the boys it became essential that we introduced them to books at an early age. I found myself enjoying reading to them before they went to bed. We would always visit the library so they could pick out what book they wanted. Even if it was a picture book we would try to figure out what was the story line. -
Rudolph and the Red Nose Reindeer
I read this book to them numerous times anticipating Christmas every year. By Kindergarten and 1st grade my oldest was able to read parts with me and I loved that. I also think doing this helped to motivate his younger brother to learn how to read, because big brother was doing it. I saw his reading skills developing and was amazed how children adapt to learning to read at such a young age. Truly Amazing! -
Sesame Street
This has always been a staple for my kids growing up, however when my daughter was born she was obsessed with Elmo. She watch the sitcom, videos, she had the doll and I read to her non-stop anything that had to do with Elmo. I was just happy that he was a lovable character. -
My Sister's Keeper
Ironically, my sister (you know the evil one) gave me a book that she guaranteed I would like. After reading the first chapter I couldn't put it down, it's like it lit a spark in me. The only thing I didn't like about the book is the ending made me sob like a baby without her binky, which gave me a severe headache! And I told myself no sad books! But that didn't stop me, I think I read majority of the books she had out that year, each one making me cry...ahhh! -
Yes, I love, love, love reading foreign movies! I have always been fascinated with other cultures, so by watching sitcoms and movies using closed caption I get to see how they talk, what they wear, and what they consider funny. You know many foreigners use English phrases? It's actually pretty funny, because we do the same. Well I do, since I am Hispanic I throw in some Spanish phrases when I talk, it comes out naturally too. Now 80% of my Netflix recommendations are from another country! -
Literature Teacher
I took an English class when I started college. The Lit teacher gave us material that I never read before: poems, short stories, plays. I really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed listening to her describe what each part of the story represented or resembled without coming out and saying it. Pretty clever those authors. I even kept my book to revisit when I get a chance. -
Book Club
I joined a book club about a year ago. Being in a club allows me to share my opinions and outlooks I got from the read. It is really interesting how different some of us think on the same characters or story line. We get inspired by the some of the qualities the characters portray. Not all books are a good read! I usually know within the first chapter if I will like it or not. There are not many I don't like. -
I can't say that any particular person encouraged me to read. I mostly read what was assigned to us (high school). But I also didn't have the desire to read until my mid 30's as you could see on my timeline. I do really enjoy reading now, I always have a book in my car, by my bed, and loaded on my phone. And yes I can read them all during the same time period. To me it's like watching different shows. You remember where you left off and go forward.