My Reading History

  • Learning the alphabet

    Learning the alphabet
    I chose this event because learning the alphabet is the first step to learning how to read. I believe I learned the alphabet around the age of 4. My mom introduced the alphabet to me before preschool so I was already familiar with them.
  • Sesame Street

    Sesame Street
    I added this event because I used to watch this show a lot as a toddler and I remember learning about letters and sounds. Sesame Street was a big part of my childhood.
  • Kindergarten

    In general, kindergarten is when each child learns so much. I added this event because I feel it is when learning the alphabet became solidified and being introduced to story time.
  • Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers
    Mr. Rogers Neighborhood is another children's TV show that helped influence my reading history. It was a fun and interactive educational show that I remember watching often.
  • Story time at the Library

    Story time at the Library
    This event is very special to me because it is one of my fondest memories as a child. My mom used to take my brother and I to the public library every weekend for story time. I loved listening to the stories being told and sometimes puppets were incorporated. It's when I really fell in love with books and reading.
  • Little Golden Books

    Little Golden Books
    These were the first collection of books that I had as a child. I remember collecting many different ones and loving each one of them. Some of which were Scuffy the Tugboat, The Little Red Hen, Bambi and The Little Red Caboose.
  • Goosebumps

    Goosebumps was also a huge part of my reading history. This was the first collection of chapter books that I owned. I remember feeling so proud and excited to be reading lengthier books.
  • High School

    High School
    In high school I took a major decline in my interest for reading. I loved reading my entire childhood until high school when I lost interest in school in general. My grades declined and I went through a reading dry spell. I added this event to my time line because it was a large part of my life until I found my passion for reading again.
  • Gave up Television

    Gave up Television
    When I was about 23 years old I gave up T.V. and that's when I really found my passion for reading again. I went many years without picking up a book and when I gave up T.V. I started to engage in reading again. I also picked up the guitar, yoga, and started to teach myself how to speak Portuguese.
  • Passion Ignites

    Passion Ignites
    After I gave up T.V. my passion for reading was stronger than ever before. Nowadays, reading is a huge part of my life and I absolutely love it. What makes a huge differences is choosing books I want to read and enjoy. The library is one of my favorite places to go and the amount of books and types of books are endless.