My reading history

  • First started reading

    First started reading
    When I first started reading, I was around 6 years old and in the first grade
  • Mom grew my love for reading

    Mom grew my love for reading
    Once I started reading, my mom showed me how awesome reading was. From that point on, reading has always been a passion of mine
  • Read the first Harry Potter book

    Read the first Harry Potter book
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was one of the first books I fell in love with. I would sit at my grandparent's house all day and just read.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    I remember being so excited to read this book that we waiting in line for 2 hours the night it was released so I could read this book right away.
  • Freshman year of high school

    Freshman year of high school
    I remember during my freshman year in my English class, we read Grapes of Wrath, which is now one of my favorite bookis.
  • My 10th grade English teacher

    My 10th grade English teacher
    My English teacher in the 10th grade was Mrs. Ziegler. She made reading and learning about our books so interesting. I think she had a big influence for my love of reading
  • 2007

    I remember seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in the theaters and realizing that the book wasn't the same as the movies. I think that showed that my reading reality was different than what the movies showed
  • Passing

    In one of my history classes, we read a book called Passing. This solidified my love for reading and learning about history in the process.