My Reading and Writing Journey

  • How it started

    I watched a cartoon in English about a girl who keeps a little notebook with anything she wants to have. I thought it was a good idea, so I began to write about whatever I had ever longed for. Despite the fact that English is not my first language, I found it enjoyable to write and read my views in this language. Even though I was aware of the multiple mistakes in my English writing, I didn't care because I was having fun.
  • Growing to dislike literacy

    A couple of months after I started writing about whatever I want and enjoying it, I told my English teacher about it. She made me feel bad about my writing, and was shocked at how I enjoy reading my mistakes. She said what I'm doing is not the right way to learn and enjoy writing in English. Since then, I stopped my writing journey for a while.
  • Finding my love for literacy again

    I've always loved watching movies in English, even though I don't always understand what's going on. In my home country of Sudan, all English movies were translated to Arabic. Watching English movies inspired me to keep writing and reading in English. So I began and continued for a while, and I much improved and loved it even more.
  • First Essay

    My first essay was in sixth grade, when my English teacher assigned us to write an essay on our favorite core memories. I enjoyed every minute of writing the essay. The feeling I had while writing and recalling old pleasant memories was indescribable. I got a 10/10 on it, which fueled my desire to continue writing and reading.
  • First Book

    Star Girl was the first book I ever read. It was the first book that I finished and enjoyed. Reading such a fascinating book pushed me to start writing more and even write a book. I've always wanted to write a book, but I've never been able to get started because I feel lazy every time I think about it.
  • Literacy has Overwhelmed Me

    After all the love i gained for reading, I started hating it again because of the school's stress. It was pretty difficult for me to find time to read books for fun. In my middle school, the English teacher chose a book for the students to read. I despise it so much because she usually chooses one of the most boring books (in my opinion), and I have to push myself to read it simply to keep my grades from dropping.
  • History Articles

    We used to read a lot of history-related articles in my history class. They were, at least in my opinion, extremely boring. I hated them so much that I had to read the article many times to truly understand it. I don't understand anything if I don't enjoy a book, article, or other sort of reading. From eighth grade to freshman year, my aversion to reading and writing grew.
  • Finally Enjoying Literacy Again

    I knew before high school started that the four years would be harder and more demanding than middle school, including the reading levels. I tried my hardest to rekindle my love of reading, regardless of how boring the topic is. I simply wanted to do my best to enjoy what I was reading. So far in Junior year, I'm performing well in terms of reading. I'm a lot better than I used to be.