Imag0525 1 1

My Reader Experience

  • First Books

    First Books
    My parents encouraged me to read from a young age. They would read to me every day. I had a big collection of books by the age of 2.
  • Going to School

    Going to School
    I was the youngest of all my cousins. I would see them going to school, doing homework and reading. I wanted to be like them too.
    I convienced my parents to enroll me to school, so by the age of 3 I was in school learning how to read.
    *That's me in the picture, one of my first events from school
  • Learning How to Read

    Learning How to Read
    My parents took me to a public school when I was 3 and I loved the idea of going to school. The only problem though was that the teachers did not really teach anything. So, my parents moved me to a private school. There, the teachers taught me how to read and write. By the time I got out of that school, I knew how to read at a 2nd-grade level and I loved writing stories. The teachers at that school really did a great job and encouraged me to read.
    *In the picture, me in the last year of kinder
  • Reading My First Chapter Book

    Reading My First Chapter Book
    During the time I was in the private school, I read many books but my first chapter book was the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was my favorite book growing up and it really opened the door to many other books for me to read.
  • Moving to Las Vegas

    Moving to Las Vegas
    My parents emigrated over here to the US, they saved up to send me here too. After I finished my 4th grade, my parents brought me here. I was scared and had no idea what was going on in school. I went from loving to read and wrting my own stories to not wanting to touch a book ever again because all the books were in English. I was bullied by the kids for not knowing how to speak English and not knowing how to read.
  • Starting to Read Again

    Starting to Read Again
    After a few months of not wanting to touch a book, I met an amazing person. Ms. Diaz, she was a secretary at my school who would go out every recess. She helped me learn English and taught me how to read. I really thank her for all she did and not letting me alone in my toughest times. She brought my hopes up and thanks to her I was back to reading and now in a new language.
    *picture, me and Ms. Diaz
  • Transfer to Clark

    Transfer to Clark
    I've always wanted to be a teacher and when I heard that Clark High School had a TEACH magnet program, I applied ASAP.
    The thing I did not know was that being magnet, it was going to bring a big challenge for me as English being my second language.
  • Starting AP Classes

    Starting AP Classes
    Once I started going to Clark, as part of the magnet program, we were automatically enrolled in AP classes. I was not at the level of reading for these classes. I did not feel confident at all and I was not doing well. My sophomore year, I failed my first AP class at Clark due to not being to read at the same paste as others and comprehend the text.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    My senior year at Clark, I was in AP Literature. Thanks to this class, I was able to fall back in love with reading. From freshman to junior year, I read because I had to, I was forced to basically. My AP Lit teacher helped me get back to reading. She did many activities that helped me understand the text, that encouraged me to read for fun and to help others see the fun of reading.
    My favorite books I read my senior year was Handmaid's Tale and the Kite Runner.
  • College

    I am the first one to graduate from high school in my family. I am the one setting the example for all my little cousins. I been more opened to read and even read more complex text than what I ever thought I would. I am doing it for myself and and for them.