My purposes in ten years

  • 2021

    Study 1 bachiller
  • 2022

    Study 2 bachiller
    Do EBAU
  • 2023

    Start University get my driver's license
  • 2024

    Do my second year of university
    do an interrail
  • 2025

    Improve my german
    Do my third year of university
  • 2026

    Finish the university
    Make an erasmus
    travel a lot
  • 2027

    looking for a job
    I will become independent
  • 2028

    Travel a lot
    Do more exercise, go to the gym
    I try to become a billionaire
  • 2029

    i get married
    I move to a better home with a swimming pool
  • 2030

    adopt a boy who will call him bambu
    Travel a lot
    Adopt a dog