
My programming history project

  • Binary

    source Binary is used to programm. it is made up of ones and zeros.
  • the first touchscreen

    the first touchscreen
    souce The first touchscreen was invented by E.A. Johnson. Now we use them on everything.( phones , Computers,ect.)
  • THe First Micro-Computer was created

    THe First Micro-Computer was created
    The First Micro-Compter Was created in 1968 by intel. It was createdd around Transistor-Transistor logic.
  • Arpanet- First Internet Invented

    Arpanet- First Internet Invented
    SourceThe arpantet was the first network and was developed by U.S. Department of Defense.The network eventually turned into today's Internet and used TCP/IP
  • Wi-Fi was created

    Wi-Fi was created
    Source The creation of Wi-Fi inpacted the world of technology because it allowed you to get on the internet without having so many wires. This was good because it allowed more than one person on the internet at a time.
  • Atari

    Source Atari was one of the first game systems. Game systems have evolved so much since the atari came out.
  • Digital cellular phones

    Digital cellular phones
    source Martin Cooper Is known as the " father of cellphone" because he invented them. the mobile cellphone is the phone we carry in our pocket everyday.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was created by windows. Most computers other than macs run on this software.
  • C++

    source C++ is a computer programming language. created by Bjarne Stroustrump.
  • the first mac

    the first mac
    source the first mac was made by apple and steve jobs. mac isshort for macintosh
  • Hp laserJet printer

    Hp laserJet printer
    source the Hp laser jet was one of the first priters. This was very inpactive because you could now type a aer instead of writing it.
  • python

    source Python is a computer programming language. it was created by Guido Van Rossum.
  • Java script

    Java script
    java script was designed by Brendan Eich. It was originally named Mocha but before it releassed it they changed it to Java script.
  • Alice

    source Alice is a programming language written in java. It is used for programming in 3D.
  • Youtube Was founded

    Youtube Was founded
    Source youtube was founded and this impacted technology because now if you want to know how to do something you can always go to youtube and people usually have already put a video up on youtube