My Presidential Democracy

By hd23
  • The Queen of Hanagog passed away.

  • Krump was crowned king of Hanagog.

    He never thought the day would truly come, he never even knew that this was what he wanted to do with his life.
  • King Krump was involved in a scandal.

    Awoman that went by the name Billary Plinton exposed tapes of, much younger, King Krump stealing ice cream and evidence that he was not blood-related to the Queen.
  • The people of Hanagog began to cause chaos over Krump becoming king.

    Hanagog was very divided. Those who were against King Krump began to start trends with the hashtag "#notmyking."
  • Citizen uprising.

    Hanagogin citizens formed an uprising against King Krump. (I wasn't involved, I actually liked Krump.)
  • The Hanagogins overthrew Krump.

    Sad day for some of us but a happy day for the rest :(:
  • I rose up in the midst of the chaos and started to win over the Hanagogins

    No hard feelings, Krump.
  • My first rally.

    100 Hanagogins showed up and I pitched out ideas of a more united country. I gained a following from then on... Hanagogins started passing my ideas on.
  • My fifth rally.

    10,000 Hanagogins came to hear me speak.
  • Former King, David Krump, made a public announcement.

    He said that he liked the ideas that I pitched and that he agreed that change was long overdue.
  • I made a public announcement.

    I created a set of rights with the Hanagogins, and I pitched them out to the public. I got a lot of positive feedback the Hanagogins seemed to like my ideas.
  • Creation of a Representative Presidential Democracy.

    The people wanted a mixture of a Representative Presidential Democracy so the elected congressmen and I published sets of rights and liberties.
  • I became the PRESIDENT!

    The Hanagogins were so impressed with my ideas that they elected me as their first president!