Conception-Month 1
Weeks 1 to 3 of Pregnancy. A woman's due date is calculated from the first day of her last menstrual period. Conception occurs two weeks from that day. The baby is about the size of a poppy seed. At this time the egg is fertilizing in the uterus. -
Month 1
Baby is 1/4 inch long. Heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form. The egg is now 10,000 times larger than it was at conception. The mom will feel bloated and tired. Fruit and veggies are great for mom. -
Month 2
Baby is 1-1/8 inches long. Heart is functioning. Eyes, nose, lips, tongue, ears and teeth are forming.The mom will be going through nausea, vomiting, and food sensitivity. Stopping bad habits now will be a good thing. -
Month 3
Your baby is now officially a fetus, and is between two and four inches long. All organs are present, and even fingernails are developing. Your baby is also moving her arms and legs, though you won’t feel it yet. Mom will have morning sickness, low energy and a lot of hormonal changes, mom should try taking up and relaxing but simple exercises or yoga. -
Month 4
Your baby is five to six inches long and weighs up to four ounces. Baby’s face and heart are fully formed at this point, though the lungs are still developing. Baby’s eyes will open. Hormones settle, morning sickness fades, and you start to feel normal again. Mom should get a ultra sound. -
Month 5
Your baby is now about 10 ounces and six to nine inches long. Baby is covered with a fine protective hair. This month he or she will develop fingerprints and permanent teeth buds behind fully formed baby teeth. Mom will be showing at this time. Mom will gain 5-15 pounds and her belly button will start to stick out. -
Month 6
Your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs over a pound.The baby will start moving. Baby’s eyes now open and close, vocal cords are functioning, and finishing touches like eyebrows have formed. Mom belly is the size of a basketball and mom will start getting leg cramps and will increase lot of weight. -
Month 7
Mom will experience increased breast tenderness; leg cramps, particularly at night; and tingling or numbness in your hands. Baby is about 12 inches long and weighs between two and four pounds. Your child can now see, hear and taste, and the brain. Mom should start getting more check ups. -
Month 8
The babies lungs and brain are continuing to develop and other body systems are refining to be ready for living outside of you. By the end of the month, most babies are head down and descending into the pelvic area.You may feel discomfort as baby pushes on rib cage or organs. Pelvic pressure may increase as baby drops into this area.
Skin continues stretching and stretch marks may appear. Mom should get ready for baby. -
Month 9
Baby is fully develop and wants to get out now. Mother is in a lot of pain and is trying to breath and stay calm. Mom should start going to the doctor more often and get baby supplies ready now. -
During this time mom is in pain and baby is pushing and pushing. Mom needs to get to the doctor right when the water breaks. Mom also needs to start taking deep breaths and push. After all the chaos mom has a boy/girl in her arms.