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My personality timeline

  • The Birth of Isaac

    The Birth of Isaac
    I was born in Concord North Carolina on July 20, 2006. I was born to Amber and David and I was the first grandchild on both sides. I was perfect in every way, coming out of the womb as an absolute unit and absolutely amazing. An angel some would say.
  • I was found to have a Speech Impediment

    I was found to have a Speech Impediment
    I was having trouble saying 20 out of 26 of the letters in the alphabet. When I was two years old it was found I could only accurately say 3% of my words. I could only really say mommy, daddy, and dog.
  • I broke my arm

    I broke my arm
    When I was two I thought I was Superman. I had a superman costume and everything, I was practically Superman at this point. So obviously I jumped off of the couch to the ottoman, I then tripped on the front of it, flew off and broke my arm.. That day gave me a phobia of needles as I got to the hospital and got an IV.
  • My Sister Allie was Born

    My Sister Allie was Born
    Allie was born into our family. I am sorry for setting the bar so high, she could never reach it. I mean she just had me to be better then, no one can do that.
  • I started school

    This was of course a large part of my life as I have spent the past 12 years in school. It has shaped my personality and my outlook on life.
  • I became saved

    I became saved
    When I was five years old I accepted Jesus as my lord and savior and it was the happiest day of my life. I told everybody I possibly could. I even immediately went into class the next day and told my teacher!.
  • Clara was born

    Clara was born
    She was born the youngest and this has shaped how I interact with other kids and sharing.
  • I stuck a staple in the outlet

    I stuck a staple in the outlet
    In first grade while I was watching a video on the 50 states in class I saw a staple on the ground and thought, "Hey, this fits right in the outlet." It almost immediately emitted tons of sparks and I started crying AND my teacher yelled at me. It was a rough day and for months later I thought I would randomly get electrocuted. However it's a good story so 10/10 would recommend.
  • I cheated on a test and got caught.

    I cheated on a test and got caught.
    In second grade we took a test and I would have had a 100 but on 7+7 I accidentally put 1 and forgot the 4 so I just added the 4 on and went up to my teacher and told her I messed up and then she knew I didn't so then I got screamed at and I never cheated again cause cheaters don't learn.
  • I was baptized

    I was baptized
    I was baptized when I was eight years old at my church. It was the day I made my faith truly known to everyone. We had a big party after with all of my family and my best friends family and we had super good food. It was defining in making my faith known to all.
  • I was taught about Taxes

    I was taught about Taxes
    In fourth grade my teacher to teach us about taxes gave us an entire cup of skittles for the day. Through out the day she would randomly give us taxes that were bull crap like Josh got hurt everybody give him a skittle and when I tried resisting she fined me all of my skittles. This was the day I became a Republican cause I wanted to pay less taxes and not pay other people with my taxes.
  • I saved up for my Xbox

    I saved up for my Xbox
    In the summer between 4th grade and 5th grade I really wanted an Xbox but it was to expensive to ask for for Christmas or my birthday so I had to save up for it and I did some work to get money and then when it was my birthday I only asked for cash and I finally got enough money for my Xbox and to buy star wars battlefront. This taught me how to save my money but also that when you work for something you want it more.
  • Fortnite Released

    Now this may not sound like a big deal but it ended up being a part of middle school for me, it was the topic of many conversations and definitely shaped my friend groups.
  • I visited the Air Force Academy

    When I was twelve we visited my uncle in Colorado who went to the Air Force academy. They took me to the Navy vs. Air Force Academy football game and showed me the campus and I immediately decided I wanted to go there. It changed my work ethic and even effected the classes I would take in High school.
  • I started playing football

    I started playing football
    I started playing football when I changed schools. At the time I really did enjoy playing, while I no longer play it taught me a strong work ethic that I will carry with me through life.
  • When I changed schools

    When I changed schools
    I learned how to talk to people and actually make new friends at new places. I was at the same school from third grade to 7th grade so this was new and a good experience.

    In 2020 the COVID pandemic broke out and we were put out of school for the last quarter of my 8th grade year. We were in lock down for months and I saw our Country face the first real struggle since I had been alive. This shaped how I now view certain events.
  • I started IB

    I began to do the CP of IB. This would largely shape my classes, especially in my Junior year as it caused me to have almost all year long classes. This led to me feeling stressed but learning to deal with different stresses.
  • I quit football and began Swimming

    When I quit football I realized I didn't really have a love for it.I also found that I shouldn't waste time doing things I didn't enjoy and should focus on my true interests.
  • Became more involved in FCA

    I began working actively to grow FCA and share my Faith. This has changed my attitude and reinforced my willingness to go where God leads me.