My personal timeline, Estefany Nieto Leon

  • Mexican Heritage Day

    Each group had a state of Mexico, and my group had Chihuahua and Mórelos, we gave itacate and burritos of machaca, avocado, lemon tepoznieve water
  • Kinezis

    20 march
    It all started because they took us on a trip to Kinezis. It was a very sporty place. It was a fun way to exercise and the trip was very fun because I was relaxing with my friends. After playing for a while then they called us to eat I ate a hamburger, then I went to play again, then they called us again but now to leave we were all tired everything was going well on the way until our bus stopped and we had to go with 3rd grade but they had good atmosphere good music.
  • Gastronomic event

    Gastronomic event
    The second grade boys explained to us about the gastronomy of the countries and the best thing is that they made us that meal for example in the French team they gave us crepes and so, the exhibition was in French.
  • Family day

    Family day
    May 9th was family day. The first three hours were normal classes. Then at 9:40 it all started. Unfortunately I couldn't stay but it looks like he was super father. By the way, my living room was yellow.
  • Mother’s Day’s

    Mother’s Day’s
    I went to visit my mom's pantheon and to bring her flowers is the 3rd day of the mothers that my mom spends in the pantheon.
  • Teacher’s day

    Teacher’s day
    On Thursday the students left at 1:00 pm because they were going to celebrate the teachers the truth is I don't know what happened but you can see that they were very fathered and that the teachers had fun.
  • Congress

    A day before the congress, they took us to conferences in Cuam, children from other schools came. April 25 was the day you presented your proposal, I and my friends talked about tooth care. It was my turn to exhibit it was not difficult after you finished exposing you could go eat and then they let you know if you had moved on to the next round, unfortunately I didn't pass but I don't regret seeing you participated.
  • Expo CEAM

    Expo CEAM
    On Thursday, May 30, the CEAM Expo was held. This was that your relatives came and you gave them a class of the subject that touched you in my case I had civic and ethical training, not only did they have to see you they could go to any subject of any degree it was super entertaining and it is to teach our relatives what we saw this year. Because it's almost over.
  • Stand of artistic currents

    Stand of artistic currents
    Los alumnos de tercero de secundaria en las materias de Español e Historia complementado por Arte han llevado a cabo un fascinante stand de corrientes artísticas. El objetivo de este proyecto es fomentar la comprensión interdisciplinaria integrando conocimientos de literatura, historia y arte; desarrollar habilidades de investigación, estimular la creatividad a través de la creación de stands interactivos y fortalecer el trabajo en equipo.