My personal timeline

  • iPod

    The iPod made by Tony Fadell and was released in 2001
  • iPhone 3

    The iPhone 3 was released in 2008, invented by Steve Jobs by Apple which made "mobile web browsing useful for the first time"
  • Motorola Tundra

    The Motorola Tundra was launched in 2009 by Motorola
  • Ipod

    My dad got gave me his iPod and his old record player when I was 9. My dad had mostly country music on them but he also had Micheal Jackson's thriller album that we would dance to. They were older devices even for that time I got them but I enjoyed them. The iPod enhanced my life by playing music during long road trips.
  • Motorola Tundra- Flip phone

    Motorola Tundra- Flip phone
    I got my first phone which was a flip phone with a antenna when I was 11. I believe it was an old Motorola Tundra based off of old pictures. It only had three phone numbers on it; my mom's, dad's and 911. It was a very testy phone that took 30 minutes just to send out any kind of text message and hard horrible picture quality when trying to take a picture of anything. This phone enhanced my life because it gave me quick access to my parents in case I needed to call them.
  • iPhone 3

    iPhone 3
    I got my first iPhone which was an iPhone 3. I was in 7th grade at the time, so I was 12 years old, and I was ecstatic to get my first smart phone. It was a hand me down from my mom's friend but I was still excited to have it. With this phone I mostly just texted, did a few calls and listened to music. This phone enhanced my life because I was now able to text my friends on this phone and take ok-ish pictures during the time.
  • iPhone 7

    The iPhone 7 was release by Apple in 2016, invented by Steve Jobs which was the same year I got it
  • iPhone 7

    iPhone 7
    I got the iPhone 7 when I was 15 years old. My parents saved up money to get my younger sister and I a new iPhone for Christmas. We were so excited when our parents let us open up a brand-new phone. I found out about apps when I got this phone including the app for snap chat and Instagram. During this time maps was very useful to me when I got my first vehicle and had to navigate my way around town which enhanced my life.
  • iPhone 12 Pro

    iPhone 12 Pro
    When I was 19 years old I got the iPhone 12 pro witch was a huge jump for me. I loved the camera quality on this phone which was noticeably better then my previous phones. There is significantly more apps, and far better technology then I have ever experienced with previous phones. Now your phones have Bluetooth capabilities where you can connect to speakers or other devices from the next room over which also enhanced my life for the better.
  • iPhone 12 pro

    The iPhone 12 pro was released by apply in 2020