My First Trip
My first airplane trip was to go to Malaysia for my first birthday. My family members from my dad's side were there, but since I was the oldest one in my family, I didn't have any cousins yet from that side. I sat on an airplane for around 13-15 hours. I didn't remember a lot from that trip, but I know that I was very lucky to get to go halfway across the world at age one. -
My First Day of Preschool
My first day of preschool, I wasn't like other kids. I didn't know how to speak English, and no one understood me and what I was saying. My parents wanted me to watch these TV shows where it teaches you sign language, that, I guess was one of the languages I "spoke" during preschool. Another one was Chinese, the reason why I spoke Chinese was because, well, I'm Chinese! My parents spoke it, and everyone from my family spoke it. -
The Move
When I was in second grade, I found out that I had to move from Blacklick, to Westerville. I never felt so nervous about a move before. Switching schools, having to make new friends, having to fit in. When it was my first day at Alcott, everyone kept asking me, "Are you actually in third grade?" It was because I was pretty short for my grade level, I know, I get that a lot, but I don't really care that much about that anymore. -
Fifth Grade Graduation
Fifth grade was probably one of the most interesting years ever. My teacher was probably the weirdest, but he was a good weird, don't worry. His name was Mr. Mazzon, and he always woke us up with his loud voice and his interesting decorations around his room. So, for the graduation, we had to make posters with our names on the front and the back. For the last ten minutes of fifth grade, the whole school lined up in front of their homerooms stomping and clapping as we high-fived all of them. -
First day of Sixth Grade
Sixth grade was so much different from fifth grade. It all started from the lockers. It took me forever just to find it! I had to have the person next to me and some teachers have to open my locker several times. I got the hang of it afterwords. Switching classes was another big change, I had to switch to 6 different classes(discluding lunch)! -
Seventh Grade and Going
My life has been a blast so far and there's still so much more to come. Seventh grade isn't much different from sixth grade. It's just the teachers put a little more responsibility on your shoulders. I'm still in the process of making new friends. I like my life so far. :)