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My Personal Timeline- Olivia Ybarra

  • First Time Going To The Movies- Creativity

    First Time Going To The Movies- Creativity
    Even though I do not personally remember this event, I am told that my reaction to the movie was priceless. I was vey young and yet I sat down in my chair and was amazed by everything. I believe this helped attribute to my love for creativity and cinema now. I am still amazed when I sit down to watch a movie. (The movie was Night At The Museum)
  • Trying New Foods- Open Minded

    Trying New Foods- Open Minded
    When I was younger I remember going to my first restaurant where they didn't serve the basic chicken tender meal. It was a multicultural restaurant. This was my first time being exposed to new foods, me being the picky eater I was at the time I was very nervous. But I stood corrected when as soon as I tried this food I instantly feel in love!
  • My First Bike- Independence

    My First Bike- Independence
    I remember the rush of excitement but more so the independence I felt when I got my first bike and finally took of the training wheels of the bike. I was almost as though I took the training wheels off of my childhood
  • Going On Vacation- Excitment

    Going On Vacation- Excitment
    Once on Christas Eve, I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I just kept checking the time and it kept getting later and later. I was counting down the hours, until Santa came. I finally realized it was morning and time to open gifts. I walk out of my room to see all of the presents glimmering in Christmas lights. But right when we were supposed to open the gifts, I had fallen asleep since I hadn't gotten any through the night.
  • Sibling Fight- Anger

    Sibling Fight- Anger
    When I was much younger, I would often fight with my older sister over meaningless stuff. It would range between her stealing my clothes, to me laughing at her. All this would lead to more fights and more ways to get each other more angry. Until we grew up and realized how we could control our anger and emotions, now we are best friends.
  • First Dog- Principled

    First Dog- Principled
    When my family bought our first dog, I was told that I couldn't be too rough on it since we were buying a puppy. I was very young and fully of energy. I needed to act with integrity and needed to learn to be principled.
  • My First Softball Game- Strength

    My First Softball Game- Strength
    Playing in my first softball game was a very special moment because it paved down my journey into to the sport I love today and my life of fitness. Softball has helped me gain the attribute of strength
  • Breaking My Arm- Caution

    Breaking My Arm- Caution
    The time I broke my arm, I remember it was my first realization on life. I realized that life isn't going to go my way but that isn't going to stop me from living. From this I learned how to cautious while still being adventurous.
  • My First Concert- Self Expression

    My First Concert- Self Expression
    The first concert I went to Adam Lambert and Kelly Clarkson. I remember the excitement and anticipation while driving there. Before this, I was too young to appreciate the art of music. From here on, I was able to use art to express myself more.
  • Spelling Bee Championship- Knowledgeable

    Spelling Bee Championship- Knowledgeable
    When I was in the third grade, remember joining and winning my grade's spelling bee. Going into this competition I knew I needed tp be knowledgeable about all of the words we were told to study.
  • Six Flags- Risk Taker

    Six Flags- Risk Taker
    I remember the first time I went to six flags, I was so scared because I had never been on a real roller coaster before. I was really nervous but I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity, so I went on the tallest one I saw and ended up loving it.
  • Volunteering At Homeless Shelter- Caring

    Volunteering At Homeless Shelter- Caring
    Back in 2016, I helped out y aunt and uncles charity. One day I was working with them by helping make a basket of necessary items that we gave out. I was really upset that there were some people who weren't able tp have these items on a common basis. This brought out a really caring side of me.
  • My First Job- Responsibility

    My First Job- Responsibility
    My first job was a volunteer job for the park district. My job was to help take care of the younger children at the summer camp. This attributed to my responsible characteristics I developed from the young age of 12.
  • History Fair- Inquirer

    History Fair- Inquirer
    When I was in 8th grade, my class had an assignment to create a project on something important to us and history. Coming from a very athletic family I knew I wanted to do something in that arena. I came across the special Olympics and instantly felt a connection. My cousin has down syndrome and competes in the special olympics every year, so I was able to interview her and go above and beyond the necessary research for this project because of my personal interest and involvement.
  • First Day of High School- Leadership

    First Day of High School- Leadership
    This was the first day that I realized I am going from a big fish in a small pond to a huge pond. There was nobody I knew so I needed to become a leader to meet new people
  • Big Test- Nervous

    Big Test- Nervous
    Throughout my years, I have had a lot of exams and tests. I remember one that was the one that determined if I got an A or a B in my math class. I grew so nervous and studied for hours and hours. I couldn't even sleep. When the day of the test came I had become so nervous that I couldn't focus and ended up failing the test. Luckily my teacher noticed this and gave me a retake, but told me to trust what I know. When I retook it, I aced it!
  • Making Varity Sports- Balanced

    Making Varity Sports- Balanced
    My freshman year of high school, I made the varsity softball team. The next year I played both varsity softball and basketball. This was a big honor, but I knew I couldn't miss a game in order to do school work. So at first there was a hard adjustment period but eventually I found a good balanced between sports and school
  • Winning Season Championship- Communicators

    Winning Season Championship- Communicators
    Me and my team knew that we had to be the best versions of ourselves in order to win the softball championship. We were all amazing athletes but we needed something else. We needed great communication on the field. We needed to be each others eyes and ears. Taking this into our game gave us what we needed to take home the gold.
  • Breaking My Leg- Reflective

    Breaking My Leg- Reflective
    Breaking my leg was much different than breaking my arm. I learned so much more from this because it was more serious. This injury was also preventable, from this I gained the attribute of being reflective, reflective so that I can reflect on how my body feels and rest when my body needs to rest
  • Getting My Permit- Critical Thinker

    Getting My Permit- Critical Thinker
    The day I got my driving permit I became more of a critical thinker. I needed to be if I was going to be one the road. Having to make quick snap decisions while driving.