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My personal timeline

  • When I was born

    When I was born
    It was my first time in life
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    It is or was important to me because it was my first party and my first birthday
  • When my sister Constanza borns

    When my sister Constanza borns
    It was important to me because it was my first sister
  • When my sister Nicole borns

    When my sister Nicole was born for me it was a very important moment for me because she is my second sister and she is younger so Cons and I take better care of her and we love her a lot.
  • My first day in school

    My first day in school
    It was the first time because I wasn't with my mom in the morning and that was hard for me.
  • My first time out of the country

    My first time out of the country
    My first time outside the country was very special for me since it was at Disney and I was a child so this time it was a very nice experience that I will never forget because for me Disney was incredible and magical.
  • My first day in midle school

    My first day in midle school
    It was very exciting for me and at the same time I was very nervous because it was also my first day at another school, so there were 2 important changes for me.
  • My first time in Europe

    My first time in Europe
    My first time in Europe was a great experience for me not only because it was undoubtedly the longest trip by plane but I also spent a lot of time there and away from home, but I loved it because the places there are not what happens here. Same with the food, it is very different from what is here, without a doubt, it is much richer, but I like the spiciness of my country better.
  • The last time midle school

    The last time midle school
    Closing primary school was undoubtedly something important for me because it is the stage where for me you stop being a child and become a teenager because not only do your responsibilities grow, but you also grow, but I closed primary school very happy and pleased with what that I achieved and did
  • My first time in high school

    My first time in high school
    My first day in high school was a strange experience because many things changed, friends, school and grade, but that change was good because I grew more as a person and now I am more mature.
  • Ceam day

    Ceam day
    Ceam day for me is always very fun but this year I liked it more than the last. because the activities were more fun and I was also able to develop more skills that I didn't even know I had, but what I liked most was that I spent time with my friends and socialized with new people
  • Identity event

    Identity event
    This event took a long time to prepare for everything to go perfectly, the food, the dialogues, the clothing, absolutely everything. Everyone learned their own thing and that's why I feel like everything turned out very well.
  • Podcast

    The podcast was something that I really liked because it seemed like a very good new, cool and fun way to evaluate ourselves.
  • Halloween party

    Halloween party
    I really liked how almost everyone came dressed as something. I really liked that, but what I really liked was the costume contest at the end of school.
  • day of the Dead in school

    day of the Dead in school
    I really liked the event because of the performances of the legends and how things turned out
  • Holidays 2023

    Holidays 2023
    These vacations I didn't go anywhere on vacation, I stayed at home but I enjoyed them a lot because I talked all day with my friends and also with my family. especially when I went to Mexico City to spend Christmas with my grandparents and uncles.
  • Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day
    I had an incredible time with all the activities that took place. I also liked participating in the talent contest and it was a great experience to give myself more confidence.
  • Kinesis

    In Kinessis my sister got on a bicycle that was on a cable. The teachers also did all the activities. It was very fun. We still ate sushi and hamburgers, but I ordered a sushi and ate it with my friends, although it was very tiring because everything was physical.
  • Congress

    What I liked about the congress was that many projects were quite entertaining and interesting, but what I didn't like was that some evaluators were quite bad since just by reading something or knocking on the door they got angry. I also didn't like that the opening took a long time. in moving forward
  • Gastronomic event

    Gastronomic event
    In my gastronomic sample I got to go to the country of Belgium, which is small but very interesting since I learned that they speak several languages ​​like French and German. They also have pretty delicious foods like waffles and I especially had a great time that day. because I lived a lot with my friends
  • Family day

    Family day
    I really liked family day because I was spending a good time with my family and friends who also feel like family. It was very fun because we always beat the other room since they did not have our winning ability and since we won almost always it was more fun
  • Mothers day

    Mothers day
    Mother's Day is very special for me since she was the woman who gave me life. It is also very important because I was the first child and for my mother she is the best person in the world and in her celebration we went to eat meat with my grandmother and my 2 aunts, I also had a great time because I lived with my entire family.
  • Teachers day

    Teachers day
    I like Teacher's Day a lot but in my opinion it should be celebrated like anything else like Children's Day since teachers teach us new things every day to learn practically. It seems like a nice day to me but it would be celebrated with more. I wish it would be a more pleasant day than it already is.
  • Expo ceam

    The expoceam was something that I really liked since it was a soccer project and I really like soccer. I also liked it because there weren't many classes, also because it was a project that we did with time and that's why it went well for us.