
My Personal Timeline

  • I learned to write

    I learned to write
    I’m pretty sure this was the age I learned how to write as I was sent to nursery on this year. My handwriting was really bad back then. At least it improved.
  • Period: to

    My Personal Timeline

    A timeline of my exposure to Traditional and New Media
  • Started receiving ‘Gospel Komiks’

    Started receiving ‘Gospel Komiks’
    This comics contained lessons and gospel from the bible as well as some activities. My elementary school distributed it 2-3 times a year. Because of this I was exposed to reading short texts with pictures.
  • Started using camera

    Started using camera
    I’ve been photographed before but it wasn’t until this age that I started using our camera. Back then I would take pictures of everything (which my Mom always deleted after).
  • My earliest memory of watching TV

    My earliest memory of watching TV
    I think I’ve already watched TV before (this brand is Sony XA21), it’s just that the earliest memory I had was around this time, singing to the commercial “Makulay Ang Buhay”
  • First time reading an encyclopedia

    First time reading an encyclopedia
    This encyclopedia and was kid-friendly, meaning it has lots of illustrations. Because of this I started reading heavier-content texts as well as increase my vocabulary in English (though I do not remember most of what I read now). The history (particularly the dinosaurs) and astronomy sections were my favorite back then.
  • Received a Gameboy (Pocket XP)

    Received a Gameboy (Pocket XP)
    I actually made a deal with my Mom to buy this instead of a bike. It was the trend back then and I really wanted to play Pokѐmon. This exposed me to the world of gaming.
  • First time reading a novel

    First time reading a novel
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, though the 5th book in the series, was the first one I’ve read. It opened me to the world of Harry Potter, and eventually, the world of books. I never regretted it.
  • First time using Skype

    First time using Skype
    For a time my Dad had to work overseas. I am grateful for this application as it became our bridge to each other. We were able to talk at least once every two weeks despite being physically away.
  • Earliest memory of watching YouTube

    Earliest memory of watching YouTube
    The first time I watched YouTube was because I needed to watch something related to my studies, but it was with the help of my Mom. My first time watching without her help was when me and my siblings watched some horror clips. I never knew this site would one day become important in my daily life.
  • Received my first phone

    Received my first phone
    My first phone was a MyPhone QT7 with a QWERTY keypad. It was cool because its sounds were so loud and the vibration mode feels like a current is running through my hands. I lost it within the year, but by then I’d realized why it was so important to have one.
  • Watched my first anime

    Watched my first anime
    Deltora Quest was my first anime. It exposed me to a different world aside from the ones I found in books. After I’d finished this it wasn’t until after three years that I was able to watch one again. Overtime, it became part of my leisure time to watch these.
  • Earliest memory of using Facebook

    Earliest memory of using Facebook
    I’m pretty sure I’ve had facebook before this but I just don’t remember when. This year was memorable for me because I changed my facebook name to a cringey one since I was dared to. Facebook exposed me to social media and also became an important part of my daily life.
  • Had our own Times for Kids Almanac

    Had our own Times for Kids Almanac
    Back then, I had to borrow these kinds of books from the school library which is why I was overjoyed when my Mom bought this. I was so eager to finish it (I still read it from time to time). This almanac exposed me to the international world, to which I quickly became a fan of many artists and writers. This almanac also greatly increased my fascination with the world.
  • Started using Wattpad

    Started using Wattpad
    This application eventually became my happy pill. It exposed me to books and stories which I can’t have physically. It’s a wonderful invention from which I learned a lot.
  • Downloaded my first eBook

    Downloaded my first eBook
    The Grimm’s Fairytales was the first eBook I’ve downloaded from this app called Aldiko (It’s for free). This app became the platform to have the published books I either cannot have a physical copy of or I cannot afford to buy. A big chunk of my growth is credited by this app.
  • Started reading Manga

    Started reading Manga
    It wasn’t until my friends in Grade 8 exposed me to Mangas that I’ve discovered another world so similar and different from books and eBooks (though I was still new to it at this point). Mangas exposed me to romance and heart aches unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. And this Pandora Hearts manga made me cry the most (so far).
  • Chose my elective

    Chose my elective
    I’ve watched news and read newspapers before but I consider choosing The Nucleus, Manila Science High School’s English Publication and my chosen elective, as my exposure to social issues. It wasn’t until I’ve joined that I was able to have opinions and strong stands about issues –not to mention being aware of things at all. Because of it I now feel obligated to know about the things happening around me as well as evaluate and have a firm stand on it.