My Personal Timeline

  • birthday

    I was born at 11:15 P.M.
  • broken bone(collar bone)

    broken bone(collar bone)
    I was playing soccer and tripped and fell on to a rock, landed on my collar bone and broke
  • broken bone(wrist 1st time)

    broken bone(wrist 1st time)
    went to visit family in mexico and my cousin had invited me to go rooftop running and I fell trough a weak platform
  • twisted ankle

    twisted ankle
    I was playing around on my cousin's skateboard and did a trick that ended in me landing wrong onto my ankle
  • fractured shoulder blade

    fractured shoulder blade
    I was playing soccer when i was tripped by my opponent and fell sideways onto my shoulder
  • broken bone(wrist 2nd time)

    broken bone(wrist 2nd time)
    I crashed into some wide guy and we both fell but he had landed on my hand and broke my wrist
  • soccer in middle school with friends

    soccer in middle school with friends
    I wanted to play soccer so my friends and i joined BGC for the soccer program
  • commencement

    I finished middle school and was ready for highschool
  • high school soccer

    high school soccer
    i was very excited to join and play against other school
  • suspended from fighting

    suspended from fighting
    I got mad and fought someone in school
  • knee injury

    knee injury
    It was a pretty big game and everyone was getting aggressive and i had the ball and made my opponent fall and he got mad and came at me and kicked my knee instead of the ball i tore my ACL,MCL,Patella
  • getting my job

    getting my job
    i was getting tired of wanting to go out with friends but not having money to spend so i went and found a job at a dishwasher in a restaurant
  • Hare

    I was transferred to hare 3rd quarter because i'm lazy
  • promotion

    i was doing really good and i moved up to prep for the cooks
  • suspended once again

    suspended once again
    i was sent to the office for one reason but got into trouble by having something i shouldn't have
  • in class suspension

    in class suspension
    from the event that happened on 12-12-2018 i was put in ACE