My Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on July 20th, 2006 at Stanly regional hospital in Albermarle, NC. I weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces.
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    When I was 4 years old, my favorite grandma passed away due to colon cancer. She was only about 60 years old. She was my moms, mom.
  • Starting Elementary School

    Starting Elementary School
    I started elementary school which started my education.
  • Starting girl scouts

    Starting girl scouts
    When I started first grade I started girl scouts. I don't still do it but it taught me a few things and I gathered multiple skills
  • My grandpa died

    My grandpa died
    My favorite grandpa died when I was in the 4th grade and he was my mom's dad. He died during surgery getting a tube for his lungs put in.
  • Going to my first concert

    Going to my first concert
    Now, this doesn't sound huge but to me it was. Ever since I was born my mom played Taylor Swift in the car. We had every CD that you could get. So being able to see your childhood idol was huge to me! She's not my idol now but it was really exciting for my young mind.
  • My dog died

    My dog died
    My dog died when I was in the 5th grade and the next day I had to go on a field trip to Raleigh. It taught me that you kind of have to cope with rough times when life needs to continue.
  • Starting Middle school

    Starting Middle school
    When starting middle school in the most awkward phase there is, I gained further education. I lost some friends from elementary school but gained some when starting middle.
  • Going to New York

    Going to New York
    Going to new york opened a new perspective for me. The people there are much different and the way they do things is also really different. The one thing I strictly remember is going into trump tower just to use the bathrooms (they were fancy) and the bodyguards scaring me. We also went to Carlos bakery which was huge to me considering I love to bake.
  • Went to Arizona!

    Went to Arizona!
    When the plan first came up about going to Arizona, I wasn't that interested. I thought we would just be looking at rocks. In reality, you have to try new things to gain better insights and that's what happened. It ended up being really pretty.
  • Covid 19 :(

    Covid 19 :(
    When covid hit, everything changed. 8th grade got cut short and I was upset about it because I was enjoying 8th grade. I kind of went into a slump after covid hit considering I couldn't see anyone or family.

    In June 2020, I met my bestest friend. He showed me what a friend is supposed to be like. He helped me cope with the issues going on in my family, and we talked about everything together. This would be your fellow student Landon Hicks šŸ˜Œ
  • Family issues

    Family issues
    In January 2020, a few things started happening in my family that changed us SO much. I won't say what happened but it's an important moment in my life that changed a lot.
  • I got a kitten

    I got a kitten
    I got my first cat, who was the sweetest little thing ever! Sadly a few months after we got her, she started getting ill. She was only 5 months old when we had to put her down because she had FIV and was severely suffering. Getting a kitten taught me that cats can be the sweetest things just like dogs. It gave me a different perspective on cats. They have personalities just like dogs which I didn't t think would happen.
  • Got a boyfriend

    Got a boyfriend
    So the best friend earlier brought up.. yeah we started dating. He's the sweetest boy ever even though he can be very silly. He changed me by showing me what love was and being by my side in the hardest of times.
  • Started Cross country

    Started Cross country
    In 2021 I started cross country due to other people trying to get me to do it. I really enjoyed it. Joining cross country taught me to step out of my comfort zone and give it a chance and i ended up liking it.
  • Got another kitten

    Got another kitten
    I got another kitten who is just as sweet as the first one. He is a big chunky baby. This changed who I am because he thinks I am his mom, and he is clingy toward me. He will only lay with me. This just made me feel good and warm inside because I'm his person :)
  • Getting a car

    Getting a car
    I got my first car. It changed me because I finally had something I had wanted for a while and I finally had some responsibility over something which I liked. It also is just what I wanted!
  • Getting my license

    Getting my license
    I got my license on my birth day this year. I finally had the feeling of freedom and could finally get a job to earn some money
  • Getting a job

    Getting a job
    I got a job at chick fil a in august and have been working there since. I just recently got out of training which is a big deal there. It has changed me because I felt responsible which I enjoyed.