The date of my birth
What more is there to say? If I wasn't born I wouldn't be here. This changed my life in the sense that if I was not born, I would not be here. -
Broke my right arm
I was just learning how to write when I broke my arm opposite to my left. You could say that pretending to be Spider-Man and jumping off the armchair wasn't the WRITE thing to do. It changed my life by teaching me a lesson to be more careful because if not, there would be consequences that I would not appreciate. -
Went to school
I went into kindergarten and made some friends. This changed my life by making me find other friends, most of which I still talk to today as I still get homesick and want to talk to them. -
My 4th grade year
My teacher taught nothing the entiire year. This changed my life in the sense that it actually affected and hurt me in the following year and openned my eyes to how valuable education really is. -
One decade of being alive
Just thought that it would be fun to invclude this as it was on 10/10/10. It changed my life that on average, a person lives for about 80 years so I realized that I was already 1/8th finished with my life and that I should live it to the fullest. -
Made a friend who eventually had to move away
I actually stepped outside of my friend circle and made a friend who eventually had to move away. So that sucked. Anyways, this taught that I need to learn how to step out and make new friends and how to let some go. -
Memorized 51 digits of pi for no reason at all
So I figured that it owuld be a fun pastime. I never knew how useless of a fact knowing that 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716499375105 is equal to 51 digits of pi. This was not really that important besides having myself realize which social category that I fall into. -
Started taking karate
The beginning of my training started after I had fractured my wrist after playing soccer. But that's not really that important. This changed my life by changing my view on how to take care of my body. Not just physically but also mentally discipline myself. -
Learned how to procrastinate pretty well
The biggest project of my academic career and I put it off until the last second and I actually got a good grade on it. This actually harmed me because I cannot stop procrastinating so I get myself into bad spots some times. -
My baby sister was born
This changed my life by completely changing the dynamic of the household. Whether that was just going out to dinner less or spending more time changing diapers instead of sitting in my room playing video games. -
Moved to Round Rock
Started high school here after living in Fort Warth, TX for all of my life. This changed my life by forcing me to make new friends and try neew, different things that I may have been scared to do in the past. -
My first birthday in Round Rock
This birthday changed my look on my life here anf had me realize that I was actually pretty lonely. This event pushed me to make friends because I didn't want to only spend birthdays with my parents from that point on.