My Personal Literacy Narrative

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    I've played sports all my life but high school is when I started taking it seriously. Sports are very fun, especially being able to go to the weight room everyday. However, sports aren't all just strength, especially football you need to memorize the plays and use your head to stay calm and focus just like writing. If you're not focused you might go off topic. Playbooks take on a whole language of their own, you have to know what each symbol means which takes time but, you will get.
  • Bedtime stories

    Bedtime stories
    When I was a toddler, my parents used to read to me. After my nightly bedtime routine, they would read me a bedtime story. I still have my favorite book, It's titled Disney's bedtime favorites. I remember a couple of the pages in the book about the famous animated characters like Mickey Mouse, Simba, and Lightning McQueen. I believe books like this have made me the person I am today, because I still love Disney. Reading nightly, expanding my ability to be creative and expanding my imagination.
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    Like most people, I have listened to music my whole life. When I was young, I have memories of karaoke at my grandparents house with family we all sang our hearts away reading off a small monitor. Reading off of that small screen has definitely helped me become a better reader. It has made it where I don't stutter as much as I used to. Also, I feel like I can read more quickly than others because I spent so much time racing the lyrics as they were sung and disappeared off the screen.
  • Video games

    Video games are probably one of my biggest hobbies. I have been playing them since a early age. I think I enjoy them so much because my brother loved them. He is currently in the Air Force so playing video games has kept me connected to my brother. We play story games which have a lot of communication. These types of games have huge storylines and the only way to keep up with what's going on in the games is by reading all of the story. This has me reading a lot and making choices constantly.
  • Subtitles

    When I was in my preteen age, when I was around 10 or 11 my parents would make me go to bed at 9:30. I would rarely go to sleep at that time but in a way, not listening to my parents has helped in the world of literature. I would stay up after hours with no volume watching tv so I would have to use subtitles so they wouldn't catch me. Having subtitles just stuck with me. I use them now on anything I watch and now I recognize words and know how to pronounce them because I so often use subtitles.
  • social media

    I mean social media has almost taken over the world, everyone has it and uses it. I have a lot of social media, and this is why I can type on my keyboard without looking or why I have an expanded vocabulary. Social media is both good and bad but for literature. I would say it is definitely a plus. Also, social media has created its own form of language. There is just different words you use when you are texting or talking with someone on social media. It has created its own cultural language.