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My Personal Identity Timeline Bro

By Marske
  • Moved to Chicago

    Moved to Chicago
    When I was about one years old, my family moved from California, where my brother and I were born, and settled into a house in Edgebrook in Chicago.
  • About my Parents...

    About my Parents...
    Before I was two years old, my parents got divorced. I was only a baby so I don't remember how it went down but it was an event that most definitely changed my life forever.
  • First Christmas at Dad's House

    First Christmas at Dad's House
    Even though I was barely three years old, I can still remember the Christmas of 2005. Having two different Christmas' was an adjustment for the whole family, but also kind of special and for some reason I don't think I'll ever forget it.
  • My first Friend, Claire!

    My first Friend, Claire!
    The first year of my mom's preschool, Claire Fritzmann enrolled. Her and her mom visited the school before the school year started and we immediately became friends. Turns out they lived across the street from and Claire and I grew up together.
  • First Trip to California

    First Trip to California
    My dad moved from Chicago to San Diego, California when I was 7, and my brother and I would fly there two or three times a year to visit him. The rest of the time he would come to Chicago or we would visit his side of the family in Arizona.
  • Musically-Influenced

    Music has been a big part of my life for years. I started playing piano in 2nd grade and was on and off with lessons, but I like teaching myself more. My brother plays too and we share a love for music. Making music is a way that I express myself and listening to certain music can drastically change my mood. I like meaningful lyrics and I am so grateful for the music gods.
  • Sports!

    I started playing softball when I was 7, started basketball when I was 8, and then volleyball when I was 10. Athletics were and still are an important part of my life.
  • Family Business

    Family Business
    My mom has started a total of three different organizations/businesses, including a preschool, a candy shop, and non-profit art center and community garden. In 2011 we opened up the candy shop called Sweetivo and it was a big part of my life as I worked there after school, on the weekends, and for parts of the summers to help the family business.
  • Meeting my Best Friends

    Meeting my Best Friends
    In fourth grade I became friends with two girls, Josie and Izzy, and ever since we have been good friends and continue to grow closer.
  • Nature-Lover

    I love nature. The world can be so beautiful and I think more people need to appreciate the rawness of the outdoors. Over the summer my friends and I got up early and drove to the beach to watch the sunset. I also went hiking in Colorado, waterfalls in California, mountains in Oregon, and sand dunes in Michigan.
  • Realistic

    I have hopes and dreams just as every other person, but I never get too ahead of myself. I'm a very realistic and logical person and I see the world as it is. Some people confuse my realism for pessimism but I'm still an optimistic and easy-going person! I'm honest and straightforward and often find myself acting as a mediator for my friends. There are too many examples, I can't think of a specific one.
  • Responsible and Knowledgeable

    Responsible and Knowledgeable
    Growing up with divorced parents and a family business taught me discipline and responsibility. These understandings applied to all aspects of my life, even things like traveling. When I was in 7th grade, I flew to Hawaii alone to meet up with my cousins and spent a week vacationing there. It was great, and one needs to be knowledgeable about traveling via air and use that knowledge responsibly.
  • Two Graduations

    Two Graduations
    My brother and I are 4 years apart so we always graduate at the same time. In 2017 I graduated 8th grade and he graduated high school and went off to college.
  • Independent

    I have a lot of friends and like working in groups, but in general I am a very independent person. I don't depend on anyone (besides my mom hehe) for anything because people just let you down man. I practice self-reliance everyday because I trust myself more than others.
  • Best Friend Moves Away

    Best Friend Moves Away
    Sophomore year one of my very best friends, Josie, moved to Tennessee. We talk almost everyday and we visit each other as much as we can. I recently flew there for her birthday.
  • Spontaneous

    I like being spontaneous. It's fun. Being predictable all the time is boring and there is no adventure. I like to plan some things too, but one time my friend and I were walking around and decided to just get on the train and go somewhere. We ended up in Wicker Park and had one of the best coffee and donuts of our lives.
  • Health Nut! +Career Path

    Health Nut! +Career Path
    Physical fitness and healthy eating are so important to me. When I'm not playing sports I'm working out on my own. Either I'll use the equipment I have at home or go on runs in a forest preserve I live by. When I eat healthy I feel better in all kinds of ways, but I enjoy sweets too, there just has to be a balance you know? That's why I chose physical training as my career path.
  • Genuine

    I'm very real and authentic. I tend to never say things I don't mean in any situation and my true colors aren't bad so why not show them. I think I've learned this through being reflective on my actions as well as others. When you're not yourself you don't feel good and you regret things.
  • *Balance* is a Work in Progress

    *Balance* is a Work in Progress
    Balancing my academics, my extracurricular activities, and my social/family life can be really hard. In fact, this past week was the hardest week so far. I had six tests, three of which were unit exams, three basketball games, and basketball practice in between. I also was trying to help run the food drive that my club at school sponsored. I didn't get to sleep much at night so when I came home from practice on Friday, I immediately passed out dude.
  • Procrastinator

    A lot of the times I procrastinate my assignments. Not always, but a good bit of the time I find myself doing homework the night before it's due when I was given a whole week to do it. For example, I procrastinated this assignment. I could've done this hours ago but now it's 8pm on a Sunday night and I'm writing about procrastination because of the fact that I procrastinated this. I have to work on my time management man.