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My Personal History

  • My date of brith.

    I was born on the 20th of September 2017. So yes, technically my birthday is tomorrow. This day means alot to me.
  • The Move.

    The Move.
    This was probably the second most diffucult time in my life, having to leave behind after 2 years of living. The opportunity to have a better life loomed, and so we shifted to Saudi Arabia.
  • The Second?!

    I was wishing for a baby sister at this time, and I guess it came true! My sister was born on this date, and it changed my life significantly.
  • Shifting.

    We shifted to a different house, and ironically it had ended up in order with our old house number. (6,7). If I was %100 honest, that was probably my favourite house
  • An Intresting trip...

    This was probably my favorite trip to any country. We went to Dubai, and from there drove to Ferrari World. Seeing classic cars, and (at that time) modern F1 cars. it was probably the greatest experience I had.
  • First For Everything?

    This was my first trip to Canada, and I really enjoyed the temporary stay. It was great looking at beautiful sites such as Niagara Falls, Downtown Toronto, and many more. Little did I know that this would be where I am now........
  • Are we moving again?

    Well I mean it was being hinted at the most, and I really did not expect, and I really did not want to move. I really do not regret moving anymore, and I am really happy I moved. I am really missing Saudi Arabia, but I am really happy that I moved here.
  • Alright then....

    We moved in, and at first I thought, "Oh no. I really want to go back now." It was the hardest time in my life, and I really affected my life. It was a great move to date, and I really do not moving. This was the hardest move but the best move for me. To this date, I still miss every single person that I have known there.