When I'm born
I was born in Pheonix,Arizona on July,9,2003 my perants named me Lana. -
Mission Accomplished?
President Bush celebrats an Iraq goal early with a speech on an ship that read "Mission Accomplished" -
some bombs exploded in Madrid in the morning rush hour and killed 190 poeple. -
My first words
My first word was da da my perants were so happy! -
My first trip
It was my first trip witch was to Puerto Vallarta,Mexico I was six months old. -
Pre school
I went to pre school I was tree years old it was called Complete Kids care in U.S.A. -
Steve Jobs
Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs made apple at this date now apple is improving so much! -
Bill Gates
At this date Microsoft Founder Bill Gates made microsoft now its used for alot of things. -
Lebanon's prime minister Rafik Hariri was killed because a massive bomd exploded when his car passed it in Beirut. -
Pre K.
I was four years old my school was called rancho solano in the U.S -
On this date I moved from the U.S to Riyadh -
Conan O'Brien
Conan O'Brien's last episode was a battle over the Tonight Show spotlight some people said yes others said no. -
Israeli forces to take over Gaza and they do. -
A new school
When i came here I was in KG1 and I was 5 years old -
Airport Bombing
At Moscows Domodedovo airport some bombing happend 35 died and 180 got injured. -
Hot air balloon crashes in Carterton, New Zealand, killed 11 people this doesnt happen very often. -
1st snow trip
first snow trip in club med Peissey Vallandry french alps France -
1st nile cruise
My first nile cruisews in Eygpt luxur Aswan it was really fun -
another CRASH!
A hot air balloon crashes in Luxor, Egypt, killing 19 tourists again -
grades in aisr
i wa sin aisr for 6 years kg1,kg2,g1,g2,g3,g4 I loved all my teachers