Just Born
On Monday, early in the morning at 6.30AM, I was born. The second child after my bigger sister vana, who was six years older than me. -
Begun Primary School at Gladsydale Primary School
At five years old, I started school at Gladsydale Primary School, in 2007. Starting Primary School was a big impact in my life, as without it I wouldn't be as educated and well informed as I am now. -
Mia was Born
On August the 26th, at 2.00am in the morning, we rushed to the Healsville hospital, so Mia can be delivered. While Mum was in childbirth, we stayed at Lynn and Alan's house, who was my Dad Reece's parents. This was a mahor impact, as without Mia my life will be completely altered. -
Alana was Born
At six in the morning on the 21st of January, 2010. Alana Sizemore was born. During the Labor, Ivana, Mia and I stayed at my Dad's parents house. Alana was born at Northern Hospital, the same, as I. This was a very sigificant event in my life, as I could not imagine a life without another sister. -
Graduated Primary School
At the very end of 2014, also the end of grade six, I graduated from Primary School. The event was held at a heritage site in Yea the night was great, and it gave the girls and I a reason to dress up. The food was below mediocre, execept the cake. -
Starting Highschool
On the last day of January, I took my first step into highschool. I remember feeling nervous and eager for what awaited. Starting highschool is something I will remeber for a long time, as this was the entry to a better education, society and the place where I will choose my future's pathway. -
Going to my first concert, Ed sheeran
On a Saturday night in September, I attended Ed Sheeran's concert with Ebony Edge. Ebony had bought the tickets and asked me if I would like to go with her. The concert took place at AAMI Park. We were at the front of the moshpit, which made the experience even better. The whole night was adrenaline and absolutely intoxicating me with utter happiness and excitement. Ed Sheeran's concert was the best night of my whole entire life, I would remember it fo.rever -
Cadet of the Year Award
On December the 10th at 2 pm, I have bestowed the trophy of Cadet of the Year and a medallion. The ceremony was held at Puckapunyal Army Base, after a 30-minute parade. Being awarded this, I was completely honoured, proud and happy, especially having my best friend, Ebony and my family there as well. This is a very important moment in my life as I had aimed through the whole year to get this award, but mainly I had never been so proud and self assured inmy whole entire life. -
Upgraded to a Lance Corporal
On Wednesday the 8th of February, I was called up by Captain Jones to collect my first chevron, signifying me being a Lance Corporal. This day was very important as it symbolised my promotion and the appreciation of all my hard work as a Recruit and Cadet, but also this was my first rank and proper promotion. -
First Day at Cadets
In early March at 6.30pm I had begun my first cadet night. Cadets were held at Puckapunyal Army Base every Wednesday. I started cadets hoping to get more fit and a challenge, but also because I was looking into joining the ADF. My first night was intimidating and nervous. My first night at Cadets is significant, as it conceived an ember of interest in this activity, which has now become a bomb fire, without it, I would have spent my whole life with a nose in a book, and a head in the clouds.