My past

  • I was born to start my wonderful life. When i was born i was ready to breath to early so i swallowed some of the fluid but nothing bad happened though. I had to stay in the hospital a little longer than normal but every thing turned out ok.

  • Period: to

    my life

  • My first plane trip to disney world. I was only 2 years old and I dont remember much but what I do remember is that my cousin Ashley went with us. We sayed in their resort in the park.

  • I went to my first movie and it was finding nemo. My mother took me and she waited till I was old enough to understand what was going on in the movie. My mother still has those tickets in her baby book.

  • I went to my first drag strip and watched them race. My dad was there along with my mom and they had to buy me earmuffs so the noise wouldent hurt my ears. When we got in the car I passed out because I was so tired.

  • I played soccer and i would practice but i would refuse to play in a game. So I always went to the games but hid from my coach so I did and never played a game. Eventually my mom quit for me.

  • 3 years old and could swim unassisted and i was camping with my grandma and grandpa

    3 years old and could swim unassisted and i was camping with my grandma and grandpa
  • I went camping with my grandpa and grandma i cought a squirl by its tail. My grandma almost had a heart attack she ran inside. My mother tried to get the camera but I was told to put the squril down.

  • I started pre-school ready to make new friends. To learn, to know how to do things with out being wrong. To not have bad behavior and to controll my emotions.

  • We had to put Winston/ My first dog he was a basset hound and he was very special to me so they sent me to ceader point to try and cheer me up. Winston sat at the top of the stairs to protect me at night. He was my buddy and i will never forgert him.

  • I started kindergarden ready to learn. Make new friends. The basics of life as well.

  • We got a new puppy and his name was cosmo. The first thing we did was when we got home we instantly took him out to get used to his souroundings. Then we loved him.

  • I got my first girlfriend and her name was Fiona but she broke up with me probably a year later. I completely stoped talking to her after that because she moved away.

  • my parents got divorced. I helped my mom get through the whole thing. I also told people about it so i could get help my self.

  • I got my first 100 percent on my math test. I was in 5th grade when this happened. I was stuck on this one problem and couldent get what it was so i guessed and i got it right i guess te luck was in my favor.

  • My first year of football. I also earned the right to start that year. And I cant wait to start the next.