My Birth
I was born on February 4, 1981 at Memorial Hospital in Nashua, NH. -
Period: to
Nick Cardamone
Win social studies competition
In sixth grade, I won a school social studies competition. While it would take a long time for me to realize I wanted to teach past this point, I began to understand how much I liked certain subjects and how much a good teacher, like my 6th Grade teacher Mr. McKean, could inspire me. -
My graduation from Nashua High
I graduated as a frustrated 19-year-old, ready to move on from college and Nashua after having been mostly bored with high school, with the exception of my work on the school newspaper and a TV class. -
Begin college
In the fall of 2000, I began school at Boston University. I was excited to move to a bigger city and begin what I thought would be a much more fulfilling academic experience. -
Begin hockey beat at The Daily Free Press
In October 2001, I began work as a beat writer covering hockey at the student newspaper. It was the most prestigious beat a sports writer could have and I earned my way into that coverage as a sophomore. It confirmed to me how much I enjoyed writing and covering sports. It also provided my sole enjoyable thing to work on as a college student, as I struggled to stay interested in my classes and struggled to find the motivation necessary to achieve even academic mediocrity. -
Begin work at City of Nashua Solid Waste Department
In the summer of 2003, while most of my friends and classmates were trying to get internships to establish themselves in the fields they hoped to work, I began summer work at the Dump. It promised good money, and that was all I was worried about at that point. I continued to work there in the summer through 2005, after I had finished attending BU and during the point when I theoretically should have been working in a newsroom, writing as I wanted to be doing. -
Worked in sports department at Telegraph
In october of 2004, I began work at the Telegraph Sports Department. I was an assistant in the sports department, which meant I compiled results and recaps, with only an occasional chance to write. While I liked my co-workers, I was disillusioned by the disdain many of them seemed to have developed for sports and for the people who played and coached. It seemed like anyone who had worked there for a while was losing the ability to be a fan. -
Begin substitute teaching in Nashua
In 2004, I began subbing in Nashua, working across all grade levels at various schools. I enjoyed working with the kids at all the levels, though at that point I didn't really consider the job as any kind of future. -
Begin as Office Manager at The Daily Free Press
In May 2006, i took a job as the Office Manager at The Daily Free Press and moved back to Boston. While I had experienced such great times at the paper during my college years, I didn't realize what working in a small office for a struggling non-profit would require and I struggled with the work. -
Back to Nashua
At the end of the Summer of 2009, I moved back to Nashua after spending three years loving life but not work in Boston. The board at The Daily Free Press had decided the previous fall not to renew my contract, and unable to find other employment, I moved back home, disappointed, unhappy, unemployed and broke. -
Back to subbing...this time in Merrimack
I started substitute teaching once more, this time in Merrimack. This time, I had thought about teaching and figured it was a good way to at least get my foot in the door. I began to take the job more seriously, especially when i worked in elementary school classrooms where it felt like there was more need for classroom management and execution of the lesson plans. I realized that I wanted to continue working in schools. -
Begin as longterm sub/hired for 2010-11
In April 2010, I was hired as a longterm substitute paraeducator for the rest of the school year at Reeds Ferry School in Merrimack. Eventually, I interviewed and was hired as a full-time para for the 2010-11 school year. At Reeds Ferry, I have found the job and community to be immensely fulfilling and have learned much about what it will take to be an effective classroom teacher. I am happily continuing on as a para next year. -
Begin grad school at Rivier
In September 2010, I began the Elementary/Special Education Masters program. I am currently on track to student teach in Fall 2012. I am enjoying the classes and the program and am excited to be working toward that goal of having a classroom and a long career as a teacher.