My next ten years

  • enlistment (main goal)

    I'm joining the army as a carpentry and masonry specialist. I am doing this by taking the required testing and physical and by completing the required paperwork.
  • Picat Test (short term)

    Monday I am taking the Picat test which is one of the required test to enlist in the army. This test determines lions score to see which jobs you qualify for in the army.
  • Verification (Short term)

    after my Picat test i will have 30 days to verify my score and start the enlistment process. after verification I will get my lions score and be able to pick my desired job.
  • ship out

    After graduation I will be shipped out to start my military career 10 days of finishing school
  • basic training and individual training

    shortly after being shipped out I will start my basic training and will get my station halfway through process. Shortly after I will do my individual training
  • start of military career (main)

    as soon as I get done with my training I will be sent to my station and I will start my career in the military.
  • Reenlistment

    close to the end of my 8 year contract i will have the option of reenlisting and staying with the army and continue furthering my career or i can continue my career in a civilian job
  • Family

    After my service is over i plan on staring a family and continue working in a civilian job doing construction still
  • retirement

    I could either retire from the army or i can retire from a civilian job. I will retire because of old age sooner than because of disability. plan on retiring when i am close to 60's