My new home

  • Younger Years

     Younger Years
    As a little girl I never knew who my father was. I'd always ask my mother why the other kids had dad and I didn't. She never anwered me untill I was alttle older. I didn't realize she was trying to protect me. I write this to share my story as a chinese immagrant coming to America.
  • The First time

    The First time
    ellis islandI had just 22 and this was the age that my mom would let me travel to America to meet my father for the first time. I was on that boat forever. It wasn't very clen and I couldn't stand being around so many people at the same time. I realized knowing my father is a lot more important than that. When I saw that little island coming up I knew our lives were going to be changed forever
  • We keep going

    We keep going
    My brother and I went on a long journey to find my father. we searched all along the West coast for years and still couldn't find him. We had heard about the rise of gold in California at the time. people like gold and men were the ones mining he might be out there. So we just kept searching
  • Reunited

    My mother Had come to America with my 2 little brothers. I imagined how hard it was to take care of them all by herself. I saw alot of single mothers in America with more kids then my mom had. We met up at Angel Island. The meeting was incredible. She cried for houes all over us. The boys were so little whne I last saw them but they grew up so fast. Shortly after we all moved intogether.