Day 1 Hour 1
Ask a question and analyze information that you want to collect in the mission. -
Day 1 Hour 4
Research about Earth`s systems and Earth`s place in the universe, on the internet. Analyze the info and redact the proccedures and experiments wanted to be done on mission -
Day 1 Hour 8
Do a more extensive research about the desired topics, recollect various stands on the issues. -
Day 1 Hour 12
Analyze recollected information and interpret the data to get a better understanding of the issues. -
Day 2 Hour 1
Use alternative methods such as mathematical and technological thinking to complete a wider result of the investigation. -
Day 2 Hour 6
Complete an elaborate explanation of the results acquired from the investigation. Make sure that the results are presentabl to a scientific audience -
Day 2 Hour 12
Share your results with another expert in the fied to make sure that results are compaible with previous investigations. -
Day 3 All Day
Add final results to investigation and then publish your results with the scientific community.