My Media Timeline

  • Television

    When i was 5 years old i remember when i watched television this is where i discovered all the amazing cartoons like DORA THE EXPLORER, TINKERBELLE, SOFIA THE FIRST and all other cartoons. an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound
  • Cellphone

    When i was 8 years old i discovered this phone because this is the cellphone my parents used before. A cellular phone is a telecommunication device that uses radio waves over a networked area (cells) and is served through a cell site or base station at a fixed location, enabling calls to transmit wirelessly over a wide range, to a fixed landline or via the Internet.
  • Newspaper

    When i was 9 yeard old i discovered newspaper because of my father who likes to read some news on newspaper. :a paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising.
    : an organization that publishes a newspaper.
  • Radio

    When i was 10 years old i discovered radio because of my grand parents. Radio is sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.
  • Video games

    Video games
    When i was 10 years old, i discovered video games because of my brother, we played this together before along with my other siblings. Gameplay is the specific way in which players interact with a game, and in particular with video games. Gameplay is the pattern defined through the game rules, connection between player and the game, challenges and overcoming them, plot and player's connection with it.