I am born. -
Infancy: Emotional Development
What was your temperament as a baby? I was a very calm and mild-mannered baby. I didn't cry very often. I was pretty much the perfect baby. -
Infancy: Physical Development
At what age did you start walking? I started walking at 12 months of age. -
Infancy: Emotional Development
Were you securely or insecurely attached to your primary caregiver? I believe I was securely attached to my mother because I would cry and freak out when she would leave me. -
Infancy: Cognitive Development
Piaget's Stages: In the sensorimotor stage I learned object permanence some time during infancy. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
What sort of interests did you have as a young child? Does this fit with the research on children's concept formation and categories? As a young child, I was obsessed with things like trains, clocks, and trucks. Yes, this does fit the traditional concept. -
Sister is born
I became a brother this day. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
What is one way you remember your parents or teachers in a way that helped your language acquisition? I remember my mother used to pronounce words "normally" when I would speak with a southern accent to correct me. -
Early Childhood: Emotional Development
How did friends or teachers describe you as a child? Same or differently from infant temperament? I was an outgoing, smart child. I was more energetic than when I was an infant. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
Piaget's Stages: In early childhood I was in the beginning of the preoperational stage. Around this time I was playing with other kids and asking many questions. -
Middle and Late Childhood: Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. What was it? How did it affect you? I learned that I could lie to other children when I was around 6 years old and other kids would believe me no matter what I said. This made me lie even more to get what I wanted. -
Middle and Late Childhood: Physical Development
Gross motor skills used: Leg and arm movements for running, jumping, swimming, etc.
Fine motor skills used: Picking up balls and throwing them while playing sports. -
Middle and Late Childhood: Cognitive Development
Piaget's Stages: Sometime in this stage of life I reached the concrete operational stage and began thinking more abstractly. -
Middle and Late Childhood
How often do you exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? In elementary school and middle school I used to play outside with friends and play games or run at gym class. I also played sports like soccer and baseball. I didn't really enjoy running very much. I exercised almost every day. -
Adolescence: Physical Development
Did you enter puberty early or late? And do you think this had an effect on you? I think that I entered puberty early for my age: sometime around 11 or 12. I don't think this had too much of an effect on me. -
Adolescence: Physical Development
How often do you exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? I used to play soccer in middle school and high school, and I practiced most days of the week. I didn't really enjoy running at this time in my life. -
Adolescence: Physical Development
Motor Development
Gross motor skills: Coordination of arms and legs while running.
Fine motor skills: Playing and instrument and marching at the same time in marching band. -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
Piaget's Stages: In adolescence I reached the formal operational stage and became more logical and learned metacognition and problem solving skills. -
Adolescence: Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence? It would probably have been Fatuous love when I was dating girls in high school. -
Adulthood: Emotional Development
What classification of Sternberg's relationship is most appropriate now?
I believe I have consummate love with my girlfriend. She is my best friend and so much more. -
Adulthood: Physical Development
How often do you exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? Now that I am an adult, I run for fun. I actually enjoy it now. I run or go to the gym at least twice a week. I ran a half marathon last spring. -
Adulthood: Physical Development
Gross motor skills: Body movements for running, swimming, etc.
Fine motor skills: Hand motions needed for rock climbing, and throwing balls and such. -
Adulthood: Cognitive Development
Piaget's Stages: I am still in the formal operation stage, I believe, or possibly postformal thought, because I now have at least a little bit of wisdom and can think for myself. -
Adulthood: Emotional Development
How would you describe the attachment style of your closest relationship?
I would say I have a secure attachment with my girlfriend