
My Long Tern Goal

  • Finish Highschool

    Finish Highschool
    I will pass all my classes and get all my credits needed to graduate.
  • Go to College

    Go to College
    i will pack all my belongingsand head to a college to major in anatomy and physiolgy.
  • Graduate from college

    I will stay focused and finish all my homework and pass all my classes.
  • Go to Dental Hygientist School in Great Falls

    Go to Dental Hygientist School in Great Falls
    I will have to work hard and lean all about dental hygientists and what they do and then i will learn what to do, but i will have to pass my classes and get good grades to graduate from dental school.
  • Find a job

    Find a job
    I will find a job somewhere in Montana and pursue my career as a dental hygientist.