I was born!
The most beautiful baby was born, me. It was 6:31 AM and my mom had me in her arms. -
Period: to
My life so far
My family and I sat in front of the T.V. and watched 9/11 happen. I was too young to know but I was there. -
My FIRST Steps
I started to walk. My mother says that I learned extremely fast compared to other babies. I started to get around faster than before. -
In the winter of 2004, my parents divorce because of financial problems. My parent never got back together. The financial problems got better as we aged. -
I start Kindergarten. I thought school was fun until it got repetitive. I've hated it since 1st grade. -
New Mother?!? Step Mom...
My dad gets remarried to Cathe Williams. (Now Cathe Kennedy) This helped the family alot, because she started to be the motherly figure. -
Junior High!
Me and everyone in my grade starts our first year of middle school. We all were going through changes and we all had our first heartbreaks. I get my first iphone too! -
My first love.
My first girlfriend that lasted over 10 months. Finally we realized relationships are stupid in middle school. We broke up 2 months later. -
Last Year of Junior High
I started 8th grade. We were the big dogs of Junior High. We owned the school for the last year we were there. -
Dogs and Emotions
My dogs dies at 19 years of age. We couldn't be too sad because we knew he lived a good life. 19 x 7 = 133, he lived 133 years in dog years. -
Exit Dance
The 8th grade exit dance. We celebrate going into highschool. We ate food and drank... some soda. -
The Summer Going into Highschool
The summer starts when we are starting to prepare for highschool.
We have fun and swim our hearts out. The moment we saw school coming we started to be nervous. -
Highschool Supplies
We shop for school supplies and I whine about going to school. I wasn't nervous at all. Just tired of school. -
I break my arm and I am not able to play soccer for awhile. I whined and cried about it, but in the end it was worth it. I couldn't believe that I did that . -
My Cast Is Off
The doctors take my cast off and I'm able to play soccer again. I got extremely happy. I play against fenton later in the month. -
First Day of Holly High
I start Holly Highschool. I have to learn and adapt to my new school and make new friends. A fresh and great start to everything. Hence the word freshman.