
My Literate Life

  • Reading at home

    Reading at home
    My experience with literacy began in my home at an early age. My mother and grandmother would read to me often. My family is filled with avid readers, so it was no surprise that I was exposed at an early age. One of my favorite and most memorable books that was read to me was The Giving Tree.
  • School is cool

    School is cool
    My favorite time to read was in the third grade. My teacher was the BEST at making reading something that was educational, but also very interesting. We read all genres of books and always had a fun activity that correlated with it. This time in my life is always the most memorable, and one that I go back to when I think of how I want to teach children about literacy.
  • Period: to

    I am and AR Reader

    AR reading was the time in my life that I started to hate reading. When I was introduced to this, reading became less about the joy and the lessons that I learned from the characters and the story, and more about what I was able to comprehend. This is the point where reading stopped being for me and became something I did for a grade.
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events

    A Series of Unfortunate Events
    I started fourth grade with a love from reading from the previous year. I loved reading so much that I even had competitions with my friends to see who could finish different series' faster. My favorite book series was A Series of Unfortunate Events. I would write to the author and await for his response with such excitement! This was the time in my life that reading took me to a new world where anything was possible.
  • Period: to

    High School

    Throughout my high school years, I did not read a single book. It was actually my mission not to read anything at all. I was still stuck on the idea that reading was no longer fun, and I wanted to do everything that I could to avoid it.
  • College

    When college rolled around, my reading changed from nothing at all to only reading textbooks. While I still did not enjoy reading for fun, I knew it was something that was beneficial from an educational standpoint, but I was not willing to partake in it in my free time.
  • Magazines, Newspapers, and Facebook. Oh My!

    Magazines, Newspapers, and Facebook. Oh My!
    Last year, I started to read for enjoyment again. It started out with Facebook articles that I would see and grew to buying magazines when I would go to the store. I then evolved from only puff pieces to actual news stories in the local paper. While this type of literacy isn't probably the best, it was a nice foot in the door to the start of my reading journey.
  • Journaling

    Recently, after many different life changes and the close of my college career I have begun reading and writing avidly. I moved on from only reading articles on Facebook or magazines to actually buying books again. I also began to write for fun. This was a huge change for me because I have never written for enjoyment until now. I keep a journal with me wherever I go, and write down anything and everything that comes to mind!