My Literacy Legacy

  • Pricilla and the Spider

    Pricilla and the Spider
    "Pricilla and the Spider" is a picture book I wrote in 2nd grade for a Write-A-Book competition. Reading my biography on the last page of the book, my 7 year old self said that this book was about building new friendships. This was definitely a significant literary moment for me, because this sparked my early love for writing and creating stories.
  • Mirror Image

    Mirror Image
    When I was in 3rd grade, I was in my first school play, "Mirror Image," where I played Princess Aurora! This was a significant literacy moment in my life because it was my first time reading and editing a script and then acting and speaking it out on a stage.
  • Fifty Nifty

    Fifty Nifty
    In 3rd grade, we had an assembly where we had to recite all the 50 states of America. This to me was an important literacy moment because it was my first time having to memorize information I was reading. Unfortunately though, I ended up writing them on my hand :(
  • The Woman in the Window

    The Woman in the Window
    In 5th grade, I wrote another book in the Write-A-Book competition, "The Woman in the Window." This was an important moment in my literacy because this book I wrote placed 1st in the competition! This made me love writing even more!
  • Soul Surfur

    Soul Surfur
    In 5th grade, we had an end of the year project where we had read a biography of someone who we looked up to and perform to the class acting as them. I chose Bethany Hamilton, a pro surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack. This was a big literacy moment for me, because it was my first time reading and analyzing a book for research.
  • KAYLA 2013

    KAYLA 2013
    In 5th grade, I ran for my elementary school Vice President position. I had to write and memorize a speech to give to the entire school, and it was my first time writing a speech!
  • The Hunger Games

    The Hunger Games
    When I was in about 7th grade, I finished reading (what I thought to be) my first "major" book series; The Hunger Games. I never liked reading in middle school, more so writing, so this was an important moment in my literacy that got me to be a pretty avid reader.
  • 11th Grade Research Paper

    11th Grade Research Paper
    In my 11th grade English class, we were to write a 10 page research paper about an issue of our choosing. Our purpose was to persuade the audience to our side. I wrote my research paper on how we should stop the use of the death penalty as punishment for crimes. This was an important literacy moment for me, because it was my first long paper with a goal that wasn't only to get an A.
  • The Bearpress

    The Bearpress
    My 11th and 12th grade year of high school, I became the Editor-in-Chief of my schools newspaper, The Bearpress. This was a big literacy moment for me because I was writing, editing, reading, and publishing not only my work, but other students work as well.
  • College Ready

    College Ready
    My last big literacy moment is the writing of my college essay. This is important because it was a long process that I had to ensure was ready and perfect enough to send with my application. This essay was worked on in class and I learned the importance of peer review.