I was born!
The start of my life! -
Very Early Childhood
As early as I can remember, my parents would read the Dr. Suess stories to me. I heard them so many times that I had memorized them and pretended to read. -
Walking to the library
When I was four, my mom and I would walk a mile to get to our local library to check out books. My parents only had one car. I LOVED going to the library with my mom and looking at all the books! -
Making my own library in my house.
I remember loving books so much that I created my own library in our house. I made my brothers and sister check out any books that they wanted to read. I was the youngest!!! -
Long illness
I had a long illness that kept me out of school. To pass the time and keep my mind off of being sick, my mom read "Little Women" to me. I loved that book and the bonding with my mom is a cherrished memory. -
Seventh Grade
I drifted away from enjoying books for a while. It wasn't until my teacher had our seventh grade class read "The OUtsiders," did I return for a while to loving to read. -
High school
I started to hate my English classes until we read the story "In COld Blood." The rejuvinated my interest in reading again! -
3rd Grade Teacher
I became a 3rd grade teacher at George Weatherbee School. -
Took a Children's Literature Class at UMO
Once I took a children's literature class at UMO, I was determined that I was going to be a reading teacher.