
My Literacy History

By cmm11
  • Goodnight Moon

    Goodnight Moon
    One of the first stories read to me regularly and it was an easy read. My mom modeled what it was to read a book and story was easy enough I was able to remember and imitate.
  • Felt/Flannel Board stories

    Felt/Flannel Board stories
    First memory of hearing stories and trying to repeat stories.
  • Really Rosie - Book/Movie/Record

    Really Rosie - Book/Movie/Record
    A Alligators All Around...One Was Johnny...
  • "For Frances" book and record

    "For Frances" book and record
    I used to listen to the record and follow along.
  • Where the Wild Things Are - English/Spanish

    Where the Wild Things Are - English/Spanish
    This book really made me start to use my imagination and i have this book still today.
  • The Giving Tree

    The Giving Tree
    First book that had me thinking about what the story meant,
  • Hello Kitty Diary - start of my diary/journal writing

    Hello Kitty Diary - start of my diary/journal writing
    This began my most memorable time when I began to write my thoughts on a regular basis. I still have this diary: misspelled words, changing in writing, using multiple lines to write, etc.
  • Shel Silverstein

    Shel Silverstein
  • 1984 to 1986 Required Classroom Readings Only

    1984 to 1986 Required Classroom Readings Only
    I didn't enjoy reading very much on my own anymore. I only read what we had to for class.
  • A Wrinkle in Time

    A Wrinkle in Time
    Began to enjoy reading again after introduced to this book.
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God

    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    First time I was introduced to African American literature. This experience was saddening, exciting and eye opening to me.
  • The Color Purple - Alice Walker books

    The Color Purple - Alice Walker books
    Continued to be introduced to multiple African American authors and their stories.
  • 1984

    I was introduced to books that were considered "classics" or important. After reading this book I wondered why everyone wasn't required to read this book.
  • Interview With A Vampire

    Interview With A Vampire
    Found Anne Rice books and began to read all her books. First time I followed a particular author. My life was influenced by these books and made me want to travel to these places. I went to New Orleans.
  • Frida Kahlo

    Frida Kahlo
    Started reading biographies. Went to Mexico City.
  • Nemesis - Isaac Asimov

    Nemesis - Isaac Asimov
    First Sci-Fi genre book. Started my journey of being open-minded to all book suggestions from specific friends and family members.
  • Lord of the Rings Series

    Lord of the Rings Series
    I began to be interested in reading books that I might have missed reading when I was younger (ex. Chronicles of Narnia).
  • 2000 to Current Nora Roberts

    2000 to Current Nora Roberts
    First time I started reading what is considered "Romance Novels." Another influence on places I wanted to travel, traveled to Ireland.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
  • Books in English - Kindle

    Books in English - Kindle
    While in China I realized how important being able to read was when I couldn't find any books in English in the small town where I was teaching. This was my first time I began to use technology as a source for reading - I was skeptical at first.