My Literacy Experiences

  • My First Word

    My First Word
    My very first word apart from "mama" and "dada" was book. I started talking at the age of one and sparked an early interest and love for reading at the age of 2.
  • Spelling My Name

    Spelling My Name
    Growing up with a more uncommon name, like Evanna, I was challenged with not only spelling but even pronouncing my name. I learned to spell and write my name at age 4.
  • Reading a Book

    Reading a Book
    My Favortie book growing up was "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day". I remember my mom and grandma reading this book to me at least three times a day, when I woke up, after lunch, and before I went to sleep. I memorized all of the words so even before I could actually "read" it, I would always follow along.
  • Montessori School

    Montessori School
    From pre school to first grade I attended a montessouri school which I think had an important impact on my literacy experience. In the montessori school, I was in a classroom mixed with children from grades 1-5. Learning through play and self teaching with older kids in the classroom, taught me how to learn numbers and letters at an earlier age. When I started public school in second grade I was more advanced in reading and writing then the students my age.
  • Judy Blume

    Judy Blume
    going into middle school, I started reading my first novel books. Judy Blume wrote great novels for girls that age to read and relate to. My favorite was "Are you there god, It's me Margaret"
  • Mr. Sullivan

    Mr. Sullivan
    In eigth grade, I had this english teacher named Mr. Sullivan. It wasnt until 8th grade when I learned to love english. I remember having to memorize 20 prepositions in his class and even now, 8 years later, I can recite them all. He was such an inspiring, helpful, hilarious, brilliant, and understanding teacher. I will never forget how he has impacated my life.
  • Reading in School

    Reading in School
    I have always loved reading, but when it came to mandatory reading books in high school I absolutley H A T E D it. I never enjoyed being forced to read a book that I didnt have a choice of. especially because most of the book we had to read in high school were fairly boring. Because of this, I never did well on tests or assignments about the book because i chose not to read them.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Social media is a huge part of my life. I am always on some form of social media, wether its reading a post or article, sending a tweet, or looking through pictures, social media is a way for the world to stay connected. I learned how to type through AIM chat, and with always typing on other forms of social media I got a lot of practice.
  • Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

    Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
    Growing up I have suffered from a mild form of dyslexia and dyscaculia. Dyscalculia is a form of dyslexia but with numbers and math. I have always struggled with telling time, simple math, directions, and everything related to math. Being dyslexic has a huge negative impact on my literacy. I constantly struggled reading and writing and would get very frustrated very easily. I relied on spell check for everything, and it is still something I struggle with on a daily basis.
  • Playing Teacher

    Playing Teacher
    Ever since I can remember, my favorite game as a kid was "Teacher". I have two little brothers, and an older sister, so I would always pretened to be the teacher and have them be my students. I have had the biggest fascination with chalkbboards and whiteboards ever since I was 5 and still to this day my room is full of them. I loved writing lists and writing math problems on the board and explaining how to do them, and reading books to my siblings.