My mother became pregnat with me. -
Period: to
Prenatal Development and Birth
jkhghjg -
I was born at 4:23 AM. I weighed 9.14 LBS. I was in the ICU for a week due to a respitory problem. -
Period: to
First Two Years
Psychosocial Event
I would get extremly angry when my mother would give me to a babysitter. I would scream and cry for long periods of time because I did'nt have my mother -
Cognitive Event
Began saying first words although they were not clear. By the end of two years I could say sentences. -
Bisocial Event
I began walking at around a year. My mother told me my first steps were in the morning while I was playing with toys. -
Period: to
Play Years
From 2 to 6 years -
Psychosocial Event
My brother was adopted from Russia. I had to adjust and realize most of the attention was not on me anymore, but now my brother. It didn't take long until be were constantly playing together and creating our own adventures. -
Cognitive Event
I swam one 25 yard lap at my summer swim club and was able to join the swim team for the summer. This was the first of many years of swimming. -
Bisocial Event
I broke my arm falling off of a playscape in my backyard. It was only a fracture so I was not in a cast for that long -
Period: to
School Years
Bisocial Event
I began playing baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter. I was also swimming at this time, so I was a busy child! -
Cognititve Event
I memorized the Gettsburg Address and anounced it to the school over the P.A. My mother wanted me to memorize it for whatever reason. As a kid I always loved learing about the civil war and I have been lucky to travel to a few battle fields. -
Psychosocial Event
Met my bestfriend Adam who I am still friends with today. He and I swam together in high school and have kept great contact despite being at different schools. -
Period: to
Psychosocial Event
Dated my first girlfriend. Her name was Megan. -
Bisocial Event
Had my first growth spurt. Grew around 3 inches. I was not that tall as a pre-teen, but after a few growith spurts, I have reached 6'4! -
Cognitive Event
Began taking science classes in high school that made me think and learn in a more practical way. I took AP Biology junior year and that class changed my views on science. Now science is my favorite subject. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Bisocial Event
Began working out outside the pool. My college coaches had us weightlfting and doing workouts that involved running and plyometrics. Doing this made helped me get in better shape to prepare me for college competitions. -
Cognitive Event
I will begin to realize how important my education that took me over 15 years to get is. By now I will be finished with my undergraduate degree. -
Psychosocial Event
Hopefully I will move out to southern California with a few friends and look for a job within my nursing degree. A RN job would be ideal.While in California, my main goal is to learn how to surf! -
Period: to
Bisocial Event
I will drink occasionally with friends but I will never smoke in my life. After I finish my college swimming career it is important that I continue to workout to stay healthy and fit. Also, I hope to not loose all of my hair!! -
Hopefully I will meet an amazing women who I will marry. I hope to have 2-3 children with her. Athough it is her choice for the wedding, I would like to get married on a tropical island and have a honeymoon in Hawaii. -
Cognitive event
After being out of school for several years, I will want to be learning new things to keep my mind refreshed and working. I have herd this is one way to not age as fast! -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Psychosocial Event
Have a great family around me. Hopefully my kids will be married and have their own childen so I can become a grandpa. After seeing how great my grandpa was to me, I will make sure that I am the same way with my grandchildren. -
By this time I will most likely need glasses and have a lot of wrinkles on my fave due being out in the sun my whole life and my old age. But once again hopefully there will be something out there to fix my eyes so I do not need glasses! -
Cognitive Event
Most likely my hearing will be extremely bad due to all of the years of listening to my IPOD and going to concerts. Hopefully by then hearing loss will be cured by scientist. -
Period: to
I will be 97 and hopefully I will have my family around me or I die in my sleep peacfully. =) At this time I will hopefully come to peace that I am going to die and know that there is a greater life ahead of me. -
Bisocial Event
My health will start to deteriorate and I will being to loose strength and walking ablilites. Hopefully the cause is old age and I do not have any diseases. -
Cognitive Event
Hopefully my mind will be strong and I am either in the barganing or acceptance stage of dying. I don't wan to cause my family stress over any anger or denial. -
As I am dying I hope to have great support from my spouse, family and friends. This will make the process a lot eaiser. I will comfort family members and tell them everything will be alright. -
I will be 97 and hopefully I will have my family around me or I die in my sleep peacfully. =) At this time I will hopefully come to peace that I am going to die and know that there is a greater life ahead of me.