I was born
my mom was in the hospital for a while. she says i cryed for 3 monthes after.I think that sucked for my mom and she says i hurt really bad. (P) -
Period: to
1st grade
1st gade was the worst years of my life. It was horrible because of a girl named katrena. She puned, kick and did just about everything else to make my life a living hell. (N) -
My first disneyland trip
the 8 hour drive was pain stacking. The drive 8 hour drive was worth it for what came after. What came after was DYSNEYLAND!! At disney land i cryed alot because i was scared of the people in costums. It was one of my favoite things i have ever done. (P) -
played my first video game
I had been watching my dad playing video games for years. so i asked my dad if i could play and to my surprise he said yes. so ever since i have been playing video games at every chance i can. -
My teacher smacked me
It was my birthday so i was really excited that day. we were sitting on the carpet and then my teacher called me up to the front of the class. Then she smacked me 7 times. It sucked really bad. (N) -
I got ran over by a bike
It was memorial weekend and we were going camping. We went camping with some of dads freinds. I was out plaaying with the other kids. they were on bikes and i was on the ground doging them (dumb idea by the way). Then all of a sudden BOOM i was on the ground srcreamin my head off. I scraped my knee so much i could see my knee cap. (N) -
I learnt how to ride a bike
i was scared to ride a bike for years because i got ran over by a bike and scraped my knee to were you could see the bone. My dad made me get on my bike by picking me up and placing me on the bike. After a cuple of hours he let go of my bike and i finally rode by myself (P) -
I started martial arts
My parents think that they should have put me in martial arts in first grade. I was asking my parents for years to put me in karate so we found a offer online for four weeks free with a free gi so my parents put me in. i loved the four weeks so much they put me in for good. -
accepted on black belt club
I was pulled into the office at karate and they asked me one question "Are you comitted to go to the rank of black belt". I said yes. A cuple of days later they called me in front of the class. They said that i had made a commit to get my black belt. -
went to disneyland with my whole family
it was my first time going to disneyland with my family so i was really excited. so when we got to disneyland we went on my favorite ride first pirates of the carribean ride. It was really fun. (P) -
I was accepted on the demo team for matial arts
I had been practiceing with the demo team for about a year.then all of a sudden sensie hui called me up in front of the demo team and gave me my red demo pants.(P) -
My first demo performence
I was on the demo team for about a month and then belt promotion came and it was my first proformence. I was really nevous because we had to perform in front of a bunche of people. It was funny because i messed up in the middle of my peroformence. (P)