
My Life - Wesley Williams

  • Birth

    On this day, I was born to proud parents Jemal and Tracy Williams.
  • Goodbye Apartment Life!

    Goodbye Apartment Life!
    For the first 2 years of my life, we lived in an apartment. On this date, we moved into our new home and I had a big backyard to run and play.
  • Beach

    During the summer, we try to take a family vacation. This would be my first trip to the beach! We went to Destin, Florida. The drive was long, but the stay was great!
  • New Addition to the Family

    New Addition to the Family
    On this date, we welcomed to our family a new dog. She is fiesty and her name is Smokie. Smokie is a miniature schnauzer. She was given the name because of her grayish-black fur.
  • Giving Thanks!

    Giving Thanks!
    Every year, we have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. This year, we had dinner at my aunt and uncle's home. Nana makes the best turkey and dressing and my Dad deep fry's a turkey.
  • Nana and Cancer

    Nana and Cancer
    My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer! Nana lost all of her hair due to chemotherapy and radiation, but she is still beautiful. She is a survivor and is in remission. I love my grandmother!
  • Kate Bond Middle

    Kate Bond Middle
    This date marked the opening of the 1st year of Kate Bond Middle School. I was in the 7th grade and played as the starting point guard for the schools 1st basketball team. The season was not a good season, but it was great just to say that I played on their very first team!
  • Freshman!

    My first year in high school was at Cordova High School.