my life until now

  • I was born

    I was born in pheonix Arizona
  • my parents divorced

    My parents divorced when I was three.They had three children together, I was the youngest. My mother left my father for for a man she met at a bar who later became our stepfather with whom she later had five children with. After she left my father we traveled from Arizona to Michigan where my stepfather John is from and from there our chaotic life on the move began.
  • I was sent to live with my aunt in North Carolina

    My mom had jsut had her fifth child and was having some trouble so she sent my older brother and sisiter and I to live with my aunt and her family in North Carolina. I was very attached to my mother so this was a very hard time for me.
  • puberty

    I had my first menstrual cycle, I was 12 years old.
  • My first best friend

    I was in midde school, 6th grade to be exact, when I met my first best friend. Matilda Renee Gomez. We were inseperable and alike in so many ways. We were, at the time, living in Lansing michigan. Our lives our now worlds apart, we developed into two completely differetn people.
  • my first job

    my first summer job
  • My first car

  • I graduated Highschool, a proud moment for me.

    I graduated fron highschool, I was the first person in my family to do so, No one attended my graduation for me.This was very upsetting for me, I cried throughout t he entire ceremony. I graduated late through no fault of my own, my family moved around alot and as a result I changed schools many many times. It is a priority of my husband and I to put education first for our children.
  • my first real world job

    Duty free americas
  • I start college

  • I moved out and on my own

  • my trip to Panama

    I went to Panama to visit with my grandmother after my uncle had past, my mother could not go because, at teh time, she was only a permanent resident and did not have a valid passport from Panama. So I went in her place. I was finally able to see my mothers side of the family, I met my whole family that is over there. I was able to see where, and how my mother was raised.This gave me a little insight as to why my mother is the way she is.
  • I met the love of my life; my incredibley loving husband.

    I met the love of my life; my incredibley loving husband.
    Not very many people know this about us but we met online and he is my match in every way possible, I love him so much and I could not imagine life without him, I am loving every day of our lives togethar.he is an amzing father and husband and on top of all that has helped me deal with my past family issues.
  • my husband and I were married

    My husband and I were married, we never had a wedding, we simply got married in the courts.We did not have a lot of money and neither of us had a lot of family or friends to jusitfy spending money on a wedding anyway. we were hapy with not having a wedding, and our priority was to buy a house so we could start a family.
  • our first home

    my husband and I bought our first home
  • our first dog viki

    our first dog viki
  • Hayat is born

    Hayat is born
    I had my first child, a baby girl.
  • My weight

    My weight
    During my pregnancy with Hayat I gained 90 pounds, I have since struggled with my weight. I was always around 150 pounds, but for me that is a healthy weight. When I was married i was 165 pounds and when I delivered hayat I was 285, 30 of that I lost right away, since it was the baby weight. I stayed at 255 there after. and being laid off only made things worse.
  • Laid off

    I was laid off from, what I consider to be, my first real job. I was a manager at Duty Free Amaericas in the Detroit Metro Airport. I was on salary so I basically lived in the place. The schedule fit me, but with my life changing I needed ore time at home. In 2008 I became pregnent with my first child, I delivered on 12/09/08 and I was laid of once I returned from maternity leave in february of 2009. this left me in a depression. I did not know what to do.
  • My trip to Syria to meet my in-laws

  • Fatimah is born

    Fatimah is born
    I had my second child
  • our first investment property

    My husband and I saved up whatever we could and took advantage of teh failing housing market. We were able to purchase a rental Property in Garden City Michigan. It was purchased just before my unemployment ran out, this new source of income allowed me to focus on being a full time mommy.
  • yousef is born

    yousef is born
  • my grandmother passed

    my grandmother passed
  • I returned to school

  • I called my father for the first time

    I finally got up enough courage to make the phone call, i had my fathers number for a few weeks at this point, I just could not dial the numbers out of fear of rejection. I finally called and was surprised at how nice he was for the first few moments then he said he would call me back, I was a little shocked but agreed and needless to say he never called back. looking back on it I am glad I called, I can now say to myself that I tried and did what I could on my end. this lifted a weight off of m
  • Hayats first day of Preschool!!!!

    Hayats first day of Preschool!!!!
    I was a proud mommy on this day, for the first time I realized that my baby is growing up into this beautiful,kind hearted young person.I wanted to cry after I dropped her off, I had a hard time leaving her there. I had never left her anywhere before.
  • Jojo's first Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!, as a trick or treater.

    Today was my sons first Halloween,I made him a homemade Muno costume from Yo Gabba Gabba, I am really surprised at how good it turned out. He loved it, and would not take off the helmet. this was a proud mommy moment for me.
  • graduation from college

    By this time I hope to be finished with my batchelors degree and moving on with the next step in my life.
  • our ten year anniversary

  • our 20 year anniversary

  • retirement

    I plan on retireing at the age of 65. I want to enjoy the rest of my life with y husband and grown children and, if any, grandchildren.