My Birth
I was born in 2000, at January 3rd. Imagine that, my parents got interviwed because I mightve beem the 2000 baby. -
First Birthday.
The day that anouces that I have been in this world for 1 year! -
2nd Birthday
Ive been here for 2 years! -
3rd Birthday
I am 3 years old. -
4th Birthday
I am 4 years old. -
My first day at Kindergarten. Ends in 2005. -
5th Birthday
I am 5 years old. -
Start School
My first day of school, I am vey passionated by all the new things. -
1st Grade!
I am officially in the ES. Ends in 2006 -
I start playing hockey, I am almost discouraged at the end by how hard it is. But I keep going. -
2nd Grade.
I move to Korea and loose some friends, My teacher's name is Ms. Bechtold. End in 2007 -
I move to Korea, not a too happy moment for me since I loose some friends. In the middle of 2nd grade, so I meet new friends, learn english, and finish 2nd grade. -
My New School ---> Korea.
This is my new school in Korea, tho it is now my OLD school. -
3rd Grade
I finish 2nd grade in Korea and start 3rd grade in Korea. Ends in 2008. -
4th Grade
4 years of school. Ends in 2009. And my last year in Korea. -
My 4th grade techer : Mrs.O'neill
Ends in 2010. -
5th Grade!
Ends in 2010. So, here I am, after this long life, in 5th grade, still a long time of school and of happiness, sadness, and suprises to come a long. -
My 5th grade teacher ---> Mrs.Tetley
This is still my teacher, but in a month will not be, since I am moving on, I am going to middle school! -
Me, Now.
So here I am, it is me, making this timeline. I am moving on from this grade, and I will move on to the grade after that and so on, this is the everlasting story of, Life.