My life timeline

  • Mom and dad found out they were having me

    My mom and dad were teen parents and found out my mom was pregnant. My mom was 16 and dropped out of high school just to give me a better life, my dad also had to drop out of school, They were young but still had me and raised me well!
  • I was born

    I was born on June 20, 2006 in Charlotte. I am the first born child of my parents and when they had me they were both really young.
  • My brother was born

    My little brother Braylen was born 2 and a half years after me. I have all brothers, and more than him but me and him are the closest of them all and hes made a big impact in my life.
  • I started preschool

    I went to a christian preschool when I was 3 and learned a lot of stuff from there, I then transferred to a normal preschool a year later when I was 4, I don't remember much but I was really into crafts!
  • I started Kindergarten

    When I was 5 I started kindergarten, I was very excited but when I got there I cried! I didn't want to leave my mom but It was a fun experience.
  • My grandpa died

    My grandpa died when I was 7 years old, It was a very hard time for me because I was close with him. It also hurt to see my mom lose her dad and how my family changed forever.
  • Moved schools

    In the 5th grade my mom wanted better opportunities for me and wanted me to have better education. So, I transferred to a charter school in concord.
  • Graduating elementary school

    After 5th grade ended and I realized I had to go to middle school, I knew a chapter in my life had changed. I performed a song at my graduation but I wasn't super sad because I wasn't a fan of the school anyways.
  • Went to 6th grade

    I started middle school which was a big jump from being in elementary. I made new friends and had a lot of fun going to school dances.
  • My great-grandma passed away

    My Grandma Love was a very sweet woman and taught me about life and how to sew, I loved talking to her and could sit talking to her for hours. When she passed it definitely made a huge impact in my life and till this day she is the most sweet woman i have ever met.
  • Met my bestfriends

    In 7th grade I met my best friends leylah and shakira, we were young and all had bubbly personalities. I love them so much and they've helped me through a lot of things in life and so far we have been friends for 4 years going on 5!
  • I got braces

    I hated how my teeth looked so I finally got to get them fixed, I got my braces and after they were off I felt so happy and wayyy more confident!
  • 8th grade

    During 8th grade covid-19 hit and it was very hard to get use to, I didn't like not being able to see my friends and I had to skip my 8th grade DC trip which I was looking forward to going to.
  • 9th grade

    9th grade really shaped me because it changed my perspective on a lot of things and was kinda a rough time considering I spent the whole school year online, being in quarantine affected the person I became today
  • I got a pet cat

    My dad got a cat and his name is Nelo! Hes very cute and crazy , his moods change constantly and he can go from rubbing you to scratching you!
  • 14th birthday

    I turned 14 during COVID, I had a birthday party before it was known that quarantine had to be taken place and things were getting bad. I felt older and it was a start of a very transforming age.
  • Got my permit

    When I turned 15 I was able to complete drivers-ed so I could get my permit, I drove with an instructor and finally was able to receive my permit, it was the next step in my book to accomplish and I was very happy I did!
  • My first Job

    When I was 15 I told myself I really wanted a job to start making my own money but no job that i was really interested in hired at 15, but then i got offered an opportunity to work at Krispy Kreme where they make donuts! This definitely gave me a taste of independence and adulthood.
  • Turned 16

    I had my sweet 16 and went out to uptown Charlotte to celebrate. I invited a bunch of friends and went to an art museum and out to eat.
  • Landed my first acting role

    This year was my first year doing theater and I was so excited to audition and was happy with any role I got! I landed a pretty good role and met a lot of new friends, this opportunity even opened my eyes to a future in acting.