My Life Timeline

  • Born

    I was just born....ya.....
  • First Memory and it's BAD

    The first thing i remembered was in Shanghai when i was about 4 years old. I thought that it was bad to take things from the refrigerator and thought it was considered stealing, so i snuck up and was trying to take milk. However, my nanny saw me and i thought i was going to be in big trouble, but instead because it really isn't bad she just took the milk for me and gave it to me. I was surprised and didn't know that taking things from refrigerators were bad.
  • First Time to the Principals

    I was young probably in Pre-K and there was a playground toy and it was a boat that you could go inside and kept on kicking the boat and made a small mark in it. A girl told on me and got in trouble.
  • MOVING!!!

    This was the first big move because I had lived in Japan for 5 years and was now going to Taiwan. I thought Taiwan was going to be horrible and bad, but instead it was probably the best place i lived in my life.
  • Going to Boracay

    This was the first time I would experience true poverty. It was my first service trip and it would impact me forever. Because after this day my family would go on a service trip once a year (to Tacloban to Nepal and who knows when next).
  • Locked Out of the House

    I was at my grandmothers house. Just a normal day and perfectly fine day until my parents and grandparent go off and tell us to stay in the house. Obviously us as kids we went out of the house and locked ourselves out. We probably waited and whined for 4 hours outside in the blistering hot summer until they came back.
  • Ski to the Face (my head swelled up to the size of a watermelon)

    it was on that day me and my brother were racing down a ski hill it happened... We were almost at the end of the hill and a jump came up we both went on it but my brother wen just a tad bit higher than me and lifted his skis up. BANG right in the face the ski hit me probably up to 20-30 miles per hour. Lets just say you don't want to know the rest of the story.

    After 5 years it finally happened, the lake house we had all been waiting for had finally been built.
  • First Transition into Middle School

    It was my first day in middle school though I knew everybody there I was nervous that it would be a lot different than lower school and that I would be totally confused. For the first week I was quite confused but then got the hang of it. (the first day of school was on my birthday.....)
  • MOVING again.... :(

    As you know I'm now in Korea from Taiwan. Taiwan was amazing, so obviously i miss it...