My life timeline

  • Period: to

    My historic timeline

  • Gps launch onto space

    Gps launch onto space
  • First 'smallest' mobile phone

    First 'smallest' mobile phone
  • Tank man

    Tank man
  • Berlin's wall fall

    Berlin's wall fall
  • The Simpsons' first episode on TV

    The Simpsons' first episode on TV
  • www created

    www created
  • Cold war ends

    Cold war ends
  • First digital camera

    First digital camera
  • France to England tunnel opens

    France to England tunnel opens
  • Nevermind is released

    Nevermind is released
  • Disneyland Paris opens

    Disneyland Paris opens
  • Bill Clinton is elected president

    Bill Clinton is elected president
  • My neighbour Totoro film is released

    My neighbour Totoro film is released
  • Nightmare before Christmas

    Nightmare before Christmas
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa
  • My sister is born

    My sister is born
  • Calvin and Hobbes is published

    Calvin and Hobbes is published
  • Toy Story is released

    Toy Story is released
  • First surface photos of Pluto

    First surface photos of Pluto
  • Wannabe by Spice Girls

    Wannabe by Spice Girls
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone releases

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone releases
  • Princess Diana is killed in a car accident

    Princess Diana is killed in a car accident
  • Eminem is signed by Dr Dre's

    Eminem is signed by Dr Dre's
  • Introduction of the Euro

    Introduction of the Euro
  • Slim Shady album by Eminem

    Slim Shady album by Eminem
  • Charles M. Schulz passes away

    Charles M. Schulz passes away
  • 'Gladiator' releases

    'Gladiator' releases
  • Tate Modern opens to public

    Tate Modern opens to public
  • 'Parachutes' releases

    'Parachutes' releases
  • Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park

    Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park
  • First crew in the International Space Station

    First crew in the International Space Station
  • The Leaning Tower of Pisa re - opens

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa re - opens
  • World Trade Center attacks

    World Trade Center attacks
    Two planes crashed against the World Trade Center and both towers collapsed
  • Homeland Security

    Homeland Security
    Homeland Security Department is created by George W. Bush to fight terrorism
  • Prestige oil spill

    Prestige oil spill
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    Scientists from around the world successfully finished sequencing about 99% of the human genome
  • US invades Irak

  • East Asia earthquake and tsunami

    East Asia earthquake and tsunami
  • 11M Madrid explosions

    11M Madrid explosions
  • Youtube is founded

    Youtube is founded
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Flooding roughly 80% of the city of New Orleans and 1600 perished
  • ETA announces Cease Fire

  • iPhone is released

    iPhone is released
  • Fidel Castro steps down as president of Cuba

    Fidel Castro steps down as president of Cuba
    Fidel Castro steps down as president of Cuba after almost 50 years in power
  • The Large Hadron Collider

    The Large Hadron Collider
    The world’s largest particle accelerator
  • Swine flu pandemic

    Swine flu pandemic
  • Barack Obama is sworn president

    Barack Obama is sworn president
  • Michael Jackson dies

    Michael Jackson dies
  • US Airways flight 1549

    US Airways flight 1549
    US Airways Flight 1549 after being struck by a flock of Canada geese shortly after takeoff. Piloted by Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger makes a successful crash landing In the Hudson River, NYC.
  • 2010 FIFA World Cup

    2010 FIFA World Cup
    The 2010 FIFA World Cup takes place in South Africa, Spain wins the World Cup
  • Haiti magnitude 7 earthquake

    Haiti magnitude 7 earthquake
    A magnitude 7 earthquake hits Haiti and devastates the country
  • Arab Spring Protests

    Arab Spring Protests
  • Nuclear disaster at Fukushima

    Nuclear disaster at Fukushima
  • Occupy Wall Street Protests

    Occupy Wall Street Protests
    protest meant to highlight income inequality in the United States and rest of the world. The movement was best known for its "We are the 99%" slogan, referring to income inequality.
  • Diamond Jubilee

    Diamond Jubilee
    Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
  • The Avengers is released

    The Avengers is released
  • I became a teaching assistant in Millis, MA, USA

    I became a teaching assistant in Millis, MA, USA
    I taught elementary, middle, and secondary grades in Millis, MA during the school year 2013 - 2014
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    Boston Marathon Bombings