My Life Timeline

  • The Day I was Born

    It got pretty gross...
  • The First Day I Went to School

    This is the day I went to kindergarten. I was a bit nervous but so excited because i had gotten a haircut that I really loved.
  • The First Time I ate a Frosty King Chicken Basket

    In Lamont there is a Frosty King and almost every weekend I would go to my grandma's house. When I told her that I was hungry she took me across the street and got me a chicken basket. Since then it has been my favorite food EVER.
  • I Went to Medieval Times for the First Time

    I discovered an interest in knights and fighting, and swords.
  • The Day I Met my Best Friend

    We don't know how we met but we just became best friends. Since fourth grade shes been my best friend and we still are now.
  • The Day I Lost Someone Really Special to Me

    On this day my grandma passed away. She was really special to me and I was really special to her. We were always together. But since that day I have missed her every day.
  • I Got my First Kitty

    My brother and I wanted a cat because we've never had one before. So my mom took us to go get one and I saw the prettiest gray cat and she's basically been my child. Because of this, I now love cats.
  • I Became First Chair in Band in Junior High

    This really grew my passion that I have for band now.
  • The First "Big" Roller Coaster I Rode

    I went to Six Flags and I rode Twisted Colossus. At first I was scared to get on but I finally decided to ride it and when I got off I developed a thing for riding big but not TOO big roller coasters.
  • The Day I Met Someone Really Special to Me

    I had gone to the Kern County Fair in a big group. For most of the time I hung out with only one friend but then I met someone who later asked me out on the 20th of October. We now have been dating for 10 months.