My Life Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on the 3rd of August here in St. Louis, but for almost my entire life I thought I was born in Chicago because we lived there for 4 years.
  • 9/11

  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My whole family drove all the way up to Florida where my grandparents took my brother and I to Disneyland.
  • Moved/switched schools

    We had been living in Arnold for a couple years and I went to Fox for that entire time and then my mom decided to move here after getting a different job.
  • Obama is elected

    Obama is elected
  • Parents divorced

    My parents never actually divorced at this time, not for another five months or so, but I can't remember the actual date.
  • Met Matt

    Met Matt
    Matt is my best friend who lives in Canada and I've known for a little over 4 years.
  • Got grounded for the first time

    My friend offered to walk me home and without my mom's permission I did and when I never came home, she left work to look for me and saw us both walking home.
  • Grandpa died

    I didnt know my grandpa too well but when he died it was the first death/funeral I had ever experienced.
  • Got my lip pierced

    My monroe actually wasn't my first piercing, it was my bottom lip. But because I wasn't old enough to go to a shop to get it done, my mom's boyfriend did it for me and it fell out a month or so later.
  • Kentucky band trip

    The symphonic band took a four day trip to Lexington, Kentucky, where we all stayed in a hotel, went sight seeing, and ate at various restaurants. It was probably one of the most fun trips I've ever been on and I always wish I could do it again just to relive it.
  • Sent package to Matt

    For Matt's birthday I sent him a ton of stuff but he actually never got any of it because his girlfriend at the time threw it all away.
  • Went up in the Arch

    Went up in the Arch
    I hadn't seen my dad for a couple months and when he came up he took me up in the Arch for the first time and we drove around St. Louis looking at all the cathedrals (I'm not religious but I just like looking at them).
  • Government shutdown

    Government shutdown
    During the shutdown I always said if things got bad I'd go live in Canada with Matt but I realized I have no passport and wouldn't be able to anyways.
  • First convention

    First convention
    This was the first convention I had ever been to and it happened to fall on the same weekend as the Homecoming dance so I went back and forth between events all weekend.
  • Vacation to Big Cedar

    Vacation to Big Cedar
    For New Year's, I went down to Big Cedar with Veronica, Kaitlyn, and her family.
  • Saw Django Unchained

    Saw Django Unchained
    I feel like this is important because I had been wanting to see this movie since it came out and my dad rented it, we watched it, and it ended up being the best movie I've seen so far.
  • Grandma moved in

    My grandma had been trying to sell her house for years and this summer it sold and she moved in last month.
  • Ferguson

    Mike Brown was shot while he was unarmed and yet the officer that shot him is raising more money than Mike Brown has.